Matt Saunders, InfoQ

Matt Saunders


United Kingdom

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Past articles by Matt:

GitLab Improves Merge Requests, GitOps Functionality and More

GitLab have released further point versions of their DevOps software package. Versions 15.3 through 15.9 been released on a monthly cadence. GitLab's first machine-learning powered feature improves merge request approvals, with other significant improvements and fixes ranging from GitOps enhancements, through improvements to IdP, to new functionality for DAST. → Read More

Docker Desktop 4.16 Brings Docker Extensions to General Availability

Docker Inc have released their first update of 2023 for the Docker Desktop product - version 4.16. The most significant improvement in this release is to bring Docker Extensions to general availability, and the release also offers a number of performance improvements. → Read More

Traefik Hub Enables Simple and Secure Container Publishing

Traefik Labs have announced the general availabiity of Traefik Hub, a tool designed to allow admins to quickly and securely publish Kubernetes and Docker containers. → Read More

GitLab Releases Single-Tenant SaaS Offering for Strict Security and Compliance

GitLab have released a new product - GitLab Dedicated - for customers in industries with strict security and compliance requirements wishing to move their DevOps software solutions from on-premise to the cloud. → Read More

Gitlab Adopts CLI Project to Bring GitLab to the Terminal

Open-core DevOps tool vendor GitLab have announced their adoption of glab - a command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with GitLab. This furthers GitLab's reach into all stages of the code writing process. → Read More

Hashicorp's Boundary Now Generally Available on HCP

Following a successful beta trial, Hashicorp have announced the general availability of Boundary on their cloud platform HCP. This adds a key new aspect to Hashicorp's managed solution for zero-trust security. → Read More

Waypoint Now Available in Beta on Hashicorp’s Cloud Platform

Waypoint now available in beta on Hashicorp's Cloud Platform (HCP). First released two years ago as an open-source project, Waypoint is a tool to give developers a consistent deployment experience onto platforms such as Docker, Kubernetes and Amazon ECS. A wide array of plugins provide backend support for deploying to these platforms with a single 'waypoint up' command. → Read More

Komodor's Dashboard Brings Improved Debugging to Helm

Komodor's Dashboard Brings Improved Debugging to Helm Helm Dashboard allows developers to quickly understand the status of Helm releases, with an intuitive interface showing the health of both the releases and the Kubernetes resources. The Dashboard provides visibility of common issues such as image version errors, resource limit problems and misconfiguration of secrets. → Read More

State of Value Stream Management Report Shows Platform Adoption Increased 4X in a Year

The Value Stream Management Consortium have produced their 2022 report, which most notably shows a 4x increase in the number of respondents implementing a Value Stream Management platform. Organisations implementing VSM are using value streams to break down silos, and rather than setting a vision and goals up-front, many are just starting with a VSM mapping exercise treated as an experiment. → Read More

New Grafana Releases Tighten Integration between Metrics and Tracing

Grafana Labs have recently released two new minor versions of their multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application. The release of version 9.1 back in August was followed by 9.2 this week. These two new versions bring a variety of improvements on their major milestone 9.0 release, and tightens the integration between metrics and tracing. → Read More

Debugging Large and Complex Dockerfiles Gets Easier with Buildg

Kohei Tokunaga has released buildg - an interactive tool for debugging Dockerfiles. The motivation for the project is to provide an easy-to-use interactive tool to inspect this build process. The tool also containers support for debugging Dockerfiles directly from inside several popular IDEs (Integrated Developer Environments), such as VS Code, Emacs and Neovim. → Read More

Grafana 9 Brings Big Improvements to Alerting and User Experience

Grafana, an open-source graphing tool, has reached its version 9 release. The key goals behind version 9 are improving the user experience, making observability and data visualization easy and accessible, and improving alerting. → Read More

GitLab 15 Improves Editing, Metrics, Container Scanning, Security and More

With the recent release of GitLab version 15.2, open-core company GitLab Inc. has announced a series of improvements, including an enhanced Wiki editor, adding SAML integration for enterprises, improving dashboards, and adding internal notes. → Read More

Dropbox Unplugs Data Center to Test Resilience

Dropbox have published a detailed account of why and how they unplugged an entire data center to test their disaster readiness. The disaster readiness team began building tools to make performing frequent failovers possible, and ran their first formalized failover in 2019. Eventually, with new tooling and procedures, the data center was unplugged. This provided a significantly reduced RTO. → Read More

Effectively Monitoring Your Monitoring

With many open-source and paid tools available to do the job, it can be relatively straightforward to make sure that your systems are monitored properly. But, how does a team make sure that these systems are working as described, and alert the team effectively that there’s a problem with the system that is supposed to be keeping an eye on things? → Read More

How Removing Staging Environments Can Improve Your Deployments

Squeaky - a company which helps businesses to understand how visitors are using their website or web app without invading their privacy - have outlined why they don’t use a staging environment. They believe that this helps them to ship faster, and lower the number of issues found in production. → Read More

Building an SLO-Driven Culture at Salesforce

Salesforce built a platform to monitor Service Level Objectives (SLOs). The platform provided service owners with deep and actionable insights into how to improve or maintain the health of their services, to find dips in SLIs, to find dependent services that weren’t meeting their own SLOs, and overall provide a better understanding of customers’ experience with their services. → Read More

CircleCI Report Finds Successful Software Teams Are Larger and Test Extensively

CircleCI - a continuous integration and continuous delivery platform - have released the findings from their 2022 State of Software Delivery Report. The report reveals that the most successful software delivery teams are larger, use extensive testing, and prioritise being ready to deploy. → Read More

NubesGen Brings Git Push to Azure Infrastructure

With a new command-line interface (CLI) available in its v0.8.0 release, NubesGen can now automatically find its configuration, and set up a GitOps workflow for deploying Infrastructure as Code into Azure, allowing developers to easily get up and running with cloud infrastructure for their projects. InfoQ interviewed Julien Dubois, project leader of NubesGen, on the product and where it’s headed. → Read More

Report Finds 75% of Cloud Runtimes Contain High or Critical Vulnerabilities

Sysdig’s latest cloud-native and security-usage report finds that shipping containers with vulnerabilities has become standard practice - with the report finding that 75% of containers have high severity vulnerabilities which could have been patched. The report stresses that many organisations find this to be an acceptable risk, in order to move and release quickly. → Read More