Adi Narayan, Livemint

Adi Narayan


Mumbai, MH, India

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Past articles by Adi:

Baby’s death in Pune shows global threat from critical antibiotic’s demise

The use of colistin on farms may be to blame for the drug’s demise, says a veterinary professor at Beijing’s China Agricultural University → Read More

Baby’s Death Shows Global Threat From Wonder Drug's Demise

The antibiotic colistin was the last resort for saving babies at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Pune, India. That defense was breached last year. → Read More

A Would-Be Wi-Fi Paradise

Sri Lanka hopes to fill its skies with Google’s Loon balloons. → Read More

Inside India's Cricket Obsession

Religion is said to be the opium of the masses. In India, cricket gives it a run for its money. With the country set to play its opening game against New Zealand at the sixth ICC World Twenty20, Bloomberg takes a look at India's love affair with the gentleman's game. Photographs by Prashanth Vishwanathan and Dhiraj Singh for Bloomberg. → Read More

Reports of ash in Maggi noodles ‘misleading’, says Nestle India

Nestle was responding to reports that say chief food safety officer in UP found the ash content in Maggi Masala 85% higher than the permissible limit → Read More

Giving Shoppers Less Means Big Bucks for Indian Retailer

India seems to be the place retailers go to lose money. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. came in with dreams of a supermarket empire, but has had to settle for a scaled-down operation that’s been burning cash in each of the last seven years. Carrefour SA came in 2010, opened five stores, then left in 2014. Germany’s Metro AG’s losses have also persisted, 13 years after it opened its first store. → Read More

Zuckerberg's Plan Spurned as India Backs Full Net Neutrality

Facebook Inc.’s plans for expansion in India have suffered a major setback. → Read More

Apple Said to Be on Course for Approval to Open Stores in India

Apple Inc. is on course to win clearance to open its first retail stores in India, a person with knowledge of the matter said, as Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook seeks growth opportunities in a nation of 1.3 billion people. → Read More

Technology Can't Trump India's Lunchtime Traditions

Food apps, after a boom in start-ups over the past three years, have been failing or scaling back in India. They are no match for the famed tiffin-delivery business that has been in operation for decades. Bloomberg photographer Dhiraj Singh followed dabbawalas Dadabhau Shivaji and Dasharath Kedari on their daily rounds. → Read More

Startups Haven’t Replaced India’s 19th Century Food Delivery Service

Venture capital-backed food apps are struggling to displace traditional dabbawalas on bikes. → Read More

RBI eases India startup rules with exit option for foreigners

RBI allowed overseas investors to sell their stakes in Indian startups to local firms, potentially giving foreign venture capital funds an easier exit route → Read More

The Wharton Grad Sensing a Fortune in the World's Most Toxic Air

Murky air means money for New Delhi businessman Jai Dhar Gupta. → Read More

Facebook’s Fight to Be Free

In India, Mark Zuckerberg can’t give Internet access away. → Read More

Web retailers in India battle devil they spawned: deep discounts

While scrapping discounts may bring the focus back to profitability, it may be easier said than done for an industry built on a foundation of cut-price sales → Read More

Snapdeal goes multilingual seeking next big Indian consumer boom

The move aims to tap the vast majority of local consumers who can’t speak or read English → Read More

India’s reluctant banker Aashish Bhinde is king of $10 billion in Internet deals

Aashish Bhinde’s 19-person team at Avendus Capital has advised on more Internet deals than any other bank, according to Bloomberg data → Read More

Reluctant Banker Now King of $10 Billion in India Tech Deals

When Aashish Bhinde graduated from one of India’s top business schools 20 years ago, he was clear about one thing -- he wanted to steer clear of a career in finance, with its long hours and endless spreadsheet number crunching. → Read More

Govt advances start date for new auto emissions standards

The Bharat Stage 5 emissions control norms for four-wheeled vehicles will come into effect from April 2019 instead of April 2022 → Read More

Is the iPhone cutting edge? Answer may open India to Apple

Higher sales in India will help Apple maintain growth amid China’s slowdown, while Modi stands to gain access to top technology that could eventually boost local manufacturing and create jobs → Read More

Add a mutual fund to Amazon cart? You have Sebi’s support

Sebi plans to allow online marketplaces such as Flipkart and to offer mutual funds alongside other products, said chairman U.K. Sinha → Read More