Patrick West, spiked

Patrick West


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  • spiked
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Past articles by Patrick:

The rise of hyper-tokenism

Why do TV shows insist on presenting Britain as far more ‘diverse’ than it actually is? → Read More

The myth of the ‘right side of history’

Future generations will look back in horror at today’s censorious puritans. → Read More

The rise of the eco-cult

Extreme environmentalists plumbed new depths of madness in 2022. → Read More

The age of competitive virtue

From higher education to football, purity spirals are ripping through all areas of life. → Read More

The twilight of Nietzsche

Lesley Chamberlain's Nietzsche in Turin captures the agony of the philosopher’s last year of sanity. → Read More

The nastiness of the #BeKind brigade

Middle-class liberals are far more concerned with looking good than doing good. → Read More

The revolting rich

Posh eco-fanatics and elite Remoaners are luxuriating in our adversity. → Read More

In defence of ‘dead white males’

Shakespeare speaks to everyone – not just white people. → Read More

The narcissism of 21st-century republicanism

‘Not my king’ is a slogan that reflects the self-obsessions of our age. → Read More

The 1990s were a holiday from history

The mourning of Mikhail Gorbachev is tinged with nostalgia for a bygone age. → Read More

Woke is not a right-wing myth

The woke movement has no leaders or manifestos – but that doesn’t make its impact any less real. → Read More

The Brexit-bashers have run out of arguments

Remainers would have us sacrifice democracy for shorter queues at Dover. → Read More

Jordan Peterson is wrong about the postmodernists

If they were around today, the likes of Foucault and Derrida would be fighting woke orthodoxies. → Read More

There are no winners in the Victim Olympics

Trans activists and feminists have been sucked into a spiral of competitive self-pity. → Read More

Diversity is conformity

Woke ideology is riddled with contradictions. → Read More

We’re all snowflakes now

Causing offence is now our greatest fear. → Read More

The narcissism of the Britain-bashers

The Britain they love to hate exists mainly in their heads. → Read More

The rise of opposite-think

In the woke era, women can have penises and being colour-blind is racist. → Read More

The tyranny of emotion

Virtue-signalling and competitive compassion are taking us to the brink of war. → Read More

Why the culture of fear will outlive Covid

Western society was paralysed by anxiety long before the virus. → Read More