Shannon Kaiser, Thought Catalog

Shannon Kaiser

Thought Catalog

Portland, OR, United States

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  • Unknown
  • Thought Catalog
  • Entrepreneur
  • HuffPost
  • mindbodygreen

Past articles by Shannon:

How To Become Your Own Best Friend (And Why It’s Important)

I will speak kindly to myself, no more criticism. I will stop judging myself, no more comparing. → Read More

10 Truths You Learn Running Your Own Business

Starting a business is almost worth it just for what it teaches you about life, and yourself. → Read More

7 Empowering Entrepreneurs You Need to Follow on Instagram

Follow these seven entrepreneurs and add some inspiration to your life. → Read More

Shannon Kaiser

Shannon Kaiser's the best-selling author of three books about happiness including the Adventures for Your Soul. She appears regularly as a happiness expert on AM Northwest and Huff Post Live, and was named among the “Top 100 Women to Watch in Wellness” by the Mind Body Green. Shannon's the founder of, an award-winning self-help and personal development website. She's an… → Read More

10 Life-Changing Things I’d Tell My 20-Something Self

You are not off-track. You are not behind. → Read More

4 Simple Strategies to Turn Your Passion Into a Paycheck

You're only a few steps, and a lot of work, from earning a living doing what you love. → Read More

The 5 Primary Stages of Business Every Entrepreneur Goes Through

Know the stages so you can navigate them with ease. → Read More

16 Ways To Live Your Passion In 2016

This post is part of a series by Shannon Kaiser called Live Your Life — a primer on finding your passion and living with purpose. Each day this week, we'll post one article offering the foundational → Read More

10 Things No One Says To Depressed Or Anxious People (But Probably Should)

Several years ago, my doctor diagnosed me with clinical depression. At the time, I was consumed with fear. My obsessive thoughts dictated my actions. I was anxious and full of sadness and personal → Read More

7 Soothing Mantras To Heal Your Heart From Tragedy

We can never control what is happening outside of our own consciousness, but we can take responsibility for that. We can examine our own lives, and take stock, regularly, of how much fear or love we → Read More

20 Signs You Had A Good Year (Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It)

This time of year, many of us feel as though we aren't where we should be. We didn't stick to our resolutions or make the changes we envisioned for ourselves, or we feel stuck by certain life → Read More

36 Questions That Can Make Anyone Fall In Love, Says Science

I have always thought of love as an elusive beast — hard to catch and hard to keep. Once I found it, I would do anything I could to keep it alive — even if that meant giving everything I had to a → Read More

7 Things Never To Say To Someone Who's Suffering From Anxiety

When I was plagued by choronic anxiety, I woke up every day with a weight on my chest. I had trouble breathing, broke into cold sweats constantly, and would burst into tears with no warning. To make → Read More

How to Get Un-Stuck: 10 Key Questions for Self-Reflection

Your business won't work unless you do. Use these tools to prosper professionally and personally. → Read More

9 Unexpected Benefits Of Happiness (Besides, You Know, Being Happy)

Just a few years ago, I was crying myself to sleep every night, assuming this was what everyone did. Most mornings, it was a struggle to get out of bed. After my doctor diagnosed me with clinical → Read More

5 Motivation Blocks Hurting Your Success, and How to Transform Them

Is your life's glass half empty, or half full? → Read More

My 10 Go-To Places For Juice In North America

Traditional bucket lists include things like: Go on an adventure in a far-off land. Learn a new language. Move to a dream city. All these experiences can make our lives more exciting, but the → Read More

How To Keep Going When Your Friends & Family Don't Get What You're Doing

When I first left my corporate job in advertising to start my business as a writer, life coach, and speaker, I struggled with feeling accepted by my friends and family. I felt like they didn’t → Read More

10 Ways To Feel Better Right Now

Today, I consider myself an extremely happy person, but it hasn’t always been that way. The truth is that I’ve made HUGE strides to get where I am today. I had to dig deep inside myself to access → Read More

Stuck In A Rut? These 5 Books Are Just The Inspiration You Need

Crisp fall air, hot cocoa, chunky sweaters, and good reads: Fall is my favorite season for all those reasons. But I most look forward to the influx of fantastic books. As an author focused on the → Read More