Ken King, SheboyganPress Media

Ken King

SheboyganPress Media

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  • SheboyganPress Media

Past articles by Ken:

Bring financial stability to your household with these tips

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Questions to ask before you decide to retire

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Is it ever OK to ask grown children to help with some household expenses?

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Parents can offer lasting advice on money management

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: What are some questions to ask before choosing a credit card?

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Should you consider getting a secured card?

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: How can couples get creative but cheap this Valentine's Day?

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Fighting over finances? Tips for ending the feud over money with your partner

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Start planning for the future in the new year

Ken King offers personal and financial advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Don't make overspending an annual tradition this holiday

Ken King offers personal and finance advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: A salute to all service personnel this Veterans Day

A weekly column offering personal and finance advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: How to start planning for retirement today

A weekly column offering personal and finance advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Money games you never want to play

A weekly column offering personal and finance advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Tips for supporting adults while encouraging financial independence

A weekly column offering personal and finance advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Reader letter offers take on how money habits are passed down

A weekly column offering personal and finance advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Fight emotional urges to carelessly spend money

A weekly column offering personal and finance advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Increasing your net worth over time

Not too long ago someone asked me what a good net worth was. First, let’s be clear on what net worth is. Net worth is your assets minus your liabilities. Sounds simple, but the real key to your net worth is what your assets are worth if you had to sell them. The liabilities of course are the debts and obligations you owe. Your net worth paints a picture of your financial health and can be… → Read More

Ask Ken: Now in my early forties, how can I start planning for retirement?

A weekly column offering personal and finance advice. → Read More

Ask Ken: Raising cost-conscious teens

Weekly columnist by Ken King examines personal finance issues → Read More

Ask Ken: Reverse mortgages have pros, cons

There have been a lot of ads on television lately promoting reverse mortgages. → Read More