Tanya Zuckerbrot, Fox News

Tanya Zuckerbrot

Fox News

New York, NY, United States

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  • Unknown
  • Fox News
  • New York Post
  • Men's Fitness

Past articles by Tanya:

The 5 best foods for breast-feeding moms

Stock up on these eats to benefit you and your baby. → Read More

Wine and weight loss: What to drink if you're on a diet

These are the best wines to drink if you're trying to shed pounds. → Read More

5 surprising foods to help you sleep better

Meat lovers, read on. → Read More

5 reasons why spicy food is good for you

Increase your longevity, reduce your cancer risk and more by adding a kick to your next dish. → Read More

5 foods to whiten your teeth naturally — that aren't dairy products

Go beyond just brushing and flossing with these natural solutions. → Read More

5 easy weeknight meals that start with $1 can of food

After a long day of work, getting a healthy dinner on the table can seem like a daunting task. → Read More

3 salt-free ways to flavor your food if you have high blood pressure

While the body does need some sodium to function properly, salt is consumed in abundance in the American diet. → Read More

5 trendy health foods that aren't worth your money

From acai bowls and bone broth, food trends come and go. → Read More

How to make a Buddha bowl that won't give you a Buddha belly

Whether you’re finding your inner zen or just hankering for something healthy, the answer can be found within your Buddha bowl. → Read More

5 ways to keep your heart pumping this Valentine's Day

It's no coincidence that Valentine's Day falls smack in the middle of Heart Health month. → Read More

6 foods that can damage your metabolism the moment you eat them

While a moment on the lips, is well-known for meaning forever on the hips, did you know it can mean forever damaging your metabolism too? → Read More

4 new ways to stop food cravings

Day after day it’s the same story. → Read More

5 low-FODMAP swaps that anyone can digest

Hippocrates once said, “Let thy food be thy medicine!” → Read More

Recipe rehab: 5 heavy comfort foods done in a light way

Bears aren’t the only mammals that hibernate in the winter: us humans do it too. → Read More

6 tips to get you through your office holiday party (without ruining your diet)

For better or worse, office holiday parties are known for overly intimate co-worker chats, Secret Santa gifts with a person you don’t know well, and of course excessive amounts of eating and drinking. → Read More

How to take better food pictures

If you take a picture and don’t use a filter on Instagram, is it even really a picture? → Read More

5 tricks to stop belly bloating now

Have you been groaning about your belly bloating? → Read More

5 real portion sizes that will blow your mind

Portion distortion in America is one of the main reasons why 70 percent of our country is considered overweight or obese. → Read More

Change the way you eat in 2016

“Genes load the gun, the environment pulls the trigger.” → Read More

How to get back on track after holiday binge eating

Over-do it last Thursday? → Read More