Jonathan Shorman, CJOnline

Jonathan Shorman


Lawrence, KS, United States

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Past articles by Jonathan:

Regents fight NRA effort to block concealed carry rules

The Kansas Board of Regents fought a legislative proposal Thursday that would strip the power of public universities to set any rules about concealed weapons on campus. → Read More

Brownback leaving? Governor mum, lawmakers strategize as uncertainty sweeps Statehouse

Gov. Sam Brownback’s departure would shake up the Statehouse, offering a chance for the Legislature to forge a better relationship with the executive branch, but might not significantly alter the dynamics of ongoing policy fights. → Read More

Lawmakers skeptical of annual delay of aid payment to schools

New lawmakers are taking a skeptical look at a proposed delay of a state aid payment to Kansas schools — an annual practice for more than a decade — arguing it squeezes districts. → Read More

Economist offers argument in favor of business tax exemption

An Arizona university economist attempted to shore up support for current Kansas tax policy on Tuesday, speaking to lawmakers before a Senate debate in which the chamber rejected Gov. Sam Brownback’s revenue plan. → Read More

No consensus on amount needed for schools to satisfy court

Since the Kansas Supreme Court ruled school funding inadequate last week, lawmakers have been scrambling to determine how much money will be needed to bring the state’s education finance formula into constitutional compliance. → Read More

Kansans urge lawmakers to push on amid fights over taxes, schools

PITTSBURG — The first question was immediate: Where is Jake LaTurner? → Read More

Former pizza baron wants Kansas to pay back $48M after Supreme Court decision

PITTSBURG – A wealthy former pizza baron is asking a court to order the state to refund him $48 million – an amount that would erase recent monthly revenue gains — after the Kansas Supreme Court declined to take up his case. → Read More

School funding formula plans vie for legislative approval

Lawmakers have begun sifting through a raft of school finance legislation, with several plans competing for attention in the early stages of a process aimed at producing a new funding formula. → Read More

Kansas Supreme Court rules school funding inadequate

The Kansas Supreme Court on Thursday ruled unanimously that state funding to schools is inadequate and gave the Legislature a June deadline to enact changes, scrambling a legislative session already consumed by a sprawling budget debate. → Read More

Kansas lawmakers differ on meaning of school funding ruling

OVERLAND PARK – Lawmakers with a focus on education reacted to the Kansas Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling that schools are inadequately funded with a mix of skepticism and relief, and diverged on how the Legislature should respond. → Read More

Kansas tax collections $40 million above estimates in February, cutting into budget shortfall

Kansas tax revenue in February shot up $40 million above estimates, continuing a trend since November of monthly figures either meeting or exceeding projections. → Read More

In messages to constituents, Kansas lawmakers seek to explain tax votes

One lawmaker said raising taxes isn’t the answer; another charged the bill would have offered a fair fix. Others expressed disappointment in Gov. Sam Brownback and said it was the type of reform families had been seeking. → Read More

Kansas House knocks down bill raising campaign contribution limits

The House rejected a measure Tuesday raising campaign contribution limits, which supporters had argued would help candidates fight the influence of dark money groups. → Read More

Federal prison in Kansas recorded hundreds of attorney-inmate meetings, court investigator finds

A privately run federal prison in Kansas recorded video of hundreds of meetings between inmates and their attorneys, a court-led investigation has found after defense lawyers first raised concerns months ago about possible violations of client privilege. → Read More

Kansas voters to weigh constitutional protection for hunting and fishing

Kansas voters will head to the polls next week to cast decisions in the white-hot presidential race, legislative face-offs and judicial retention contests. But they will face another choice: Should the state constitution include a right to hunt and fish? → Read More

Former Kansas governors jumping into judicial retention races

Four former Kansas governors are jumping into the race to retain Kansas Supreme Court justices, and will call for the retention of justices in order to keep the court fair and impartial. Former Republican Govs. → Read More

Kansas opponents of guns on campus plan fresh fight against law ahead of 2017 implementation

Opponents of concealed weapons on college campuses anticipate a new battle next year to stop Kansas' prohibition from going away, encouraged by gains by moderate Republicans and an expected increase of Democratic lawmakers. → Read More

Judicial retention campaigns heat up; little disclosure of donors and spending

When Vinny DiGiovanni speaks of losing his brother-in-law Brad Heyka to a murderous rampage by the Carr brothers more than a decade ago, the pain is clear. → Read More

Lawsuit in Shawnee County: Deaf woman wrongly arrested, denied use of accessible phone

Shawnee County sheriff's deputies arrested a deaf woman after having trouble communicating with her, and the jail did not provide an accessible phone to contact an attorney or family, a federal lawsuit alleges. → Read More

GOP opens Kansas special session by blocking introduction of Democratic schools plan

Partisan division almost immediately reared its head as the Legislature kicked off its school finance special session Thursday, with a Republican-controlled panel blocking a Democratic attempt to introduce legislation. → Read More