Monte Drebenstedt, BlenderNation

Monte Drebenstedt


Willow Street, PA, United States

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  • BlenderNation

Past articles by Monte:

Spawn Pack Module for Armory

Monte writes: I have released another module for Armory. This time we caver the very basics of spawning an object in Armory. The pack covers spawning an object, changing the spawning location and even adding velocity to the object to create projectiles. The entire pack is in one blend file with 4 scenes inside theRead More → Read More

Armory Module

Monte writes: Armory, Blender, Game has released another Module for the Armory game engine. This one covers tracking one object with another, like a turret tracking a player or a security camera. The module includes node trees for the basic tracking action and different ways to start and end the action. This module was createdRead More → Read More

Armory Modules

Monte writes: Armory, Blender, Game has released the next in the module series. This time we are working with lights in Armory. There are 6 files showing how simple it it to get started with lights. I go over turning lights on and off with both the keyboard and the mouse, changing the intensity withRead More → Read More

Functions come to Armory Logic Nodes

Monte writes: Using the same piece of code over and over is a staple of good programing. Finding ways to write once and use many times is one of the things that makes good code and good coders. Armory now has this type of functionality with its Visual Scripting system. Zicklag, from the Armory forumsRead More → Read More

Game Planning Ideas

Monte writes: I have uploaded a couple videos covering some of my thoughts on planning out a game. They are my thoughts and no where near exhaustive or the only way to go about things but hopefully they can be helpful to some people out there. These are the first in a series of videosRead More → Read More

Introducing Armory, Blender, Game Modules

Monte writes: Armory modules are an attempt to make small bits of of Armory accessible to the general public. So far I have released 2 of these modules. The first, a simple first person character, can be appended directly to your project or expanded to fit your needs. The second, a product viewer, is aRead More → Read More

Armory Nodes

Monte writes: In the latest tutorial about the visual scripting nodes for the Armory Game Engine I cover the Physics nodes. These node control how you can move objects with forces and Impulses. They can also tell you when an object hits another object and more. → Read More

Armory Nodes - Animation Nodes

Monte writes: In this video I go over the nodes that work with animation within the Armory game engine visual scripting nodes. These are the basic nodes that help you make things move inside your game. Making them work requires a bit more then just nodes but we cover that too. → Read More

Armory Nodes - Set, Random and Spaen

Monte writes: In this latest tutorial covering the logic nodes in Armory I cover the the Nodes for setting values, the nodes for generating random values and the nodes that work with spawning and removing objects from a game. → Read More

Mistwire 8 - Tower Aiming and Fireing (Armory)

Monte writes: I the latest from the Mistwire series of game tutorials I show you how to have a tower track our character and shoot at him. Come check out how to use this functionality in your own Armory Projects. → Read More

Armory Logic Nodes

Montedre writes: In this episode of the Armory. Blender, Game channel I continue the series on Armory Logic nodes with a look at the nodes that address "variables" or data types in Armory. → Read More