Nick Savoy, Men's Fitness

Nick Savoy

Men's Fitness

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Past articles by Nick:

How to Turn a “No” into a “Yes”

At the bar, on a date, in bed, and in a relationship. → Read More

Is She Attracted to You?

You can't read her mind, but there are a few simple ways to gauge her interest. → Read More

Using Social Media for More Sex

Lock down your next date thanks to social networking. → Read More

Long-Distance Relationships Are Too Easy

The biggest problem with long-distance relationships isn't that they're too hard. It’s that they're too easy. Let me explain. Obviously, some aspects of long-distance relationships are harder. Decreased physical intimacy, lack of face-to-face communication, increased opportunity and/or temptation for either partner to be unfaithful, stress of traveling and managing schedules, and so on. → Read More

Coffee Shops: Nightclubs of the Daytime?

One of the best ways to meet women doesn't require another dating app. → Read More

Top Five Mistakes Men Make with Women

Nick Savoy, lead instructor for Love Systems, is a professional pick-up artist. Really, training men on the science of picking up women is his job. So, we turned to Savoy to answer our most pressing question: What’s the average guy doing wrong? One thing I’ve noticed is that most men naturally make the same basic mistakes. If these five “game killers” are holding you back, here's a solution for each… → Read More

Four Things You'll Regret Saying to a Woman

Don't mess up a new relationship by saying these things to your girlfriend. → Read More

Three Sure-Fire Ways to Screw Up a Relationship

Every weekend, somewhere in the world, there is a Love Systems pick-up bootcamp. Our team takes men out to bars, clubs, and coffee shops, and work on their game until they are meeting and attracting beautiful women. We always end these bootcamps with a warning to our clients not to get into a relationship for the next three months. This must seem strange to many clients who attended the bootcamp… → Read More

It's 2014, Who Should Pay for a Date?

Should a guy pay for every date? Dating expert Nick Savoy sets the record straight. → Read More

4 Ways to Meet Women While Traveling

Whether you're looking for vacation romance, you're bored on a business trip, or you want to join the mile high club, start here. → Read More

4 Reasons to Never Buy a Woman a Drink

Plus the one time it's OK to ignore this piece of dating advice for men. → Read More

Why A**holes Get Girls

It’s not that women are masochists—most have very good reasons to reject the nice guys. → Read More

Why Assholes Get Girls

It’s not that women are masochists—most have very good reasons to reject the nice guys. → Read More

Top Five Mistakes Men Make with Women

Are these game killers holding your back from finding a good girlfriend? → Read More

Four Old-Fashioned Ways to Meet Women (That Actually Work)

Dating tips and dating advice for meeting women offline. → Read More

Dating Rules for the Digital Age

Seven tips for using technology to your advantage. → Read More

5 Tips for Finding and Dating a Fit Girl

Meet a woman who cares about fitness as much as you do. → Read More

7 Women We Can Guarantee Will Waste Your Time

If she fits in one or more of these categories, cut the cord. → Read More

How to Use Tinder with Tact

Six rules for navigating the dating space where looks matter most. → Read More

9 Dumb Things Not to Do on a First Date

From making her pay to talking politics, don't make these first date mistakes. → Read More