Dianne Depra, Tech Times

Dianne Depra

Tech Times

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Past articles by Dianne:

Study Shows Exercise Provides Relief Against Cancer-Related Fatigue

Exercise has always been good for the health. Now, researchers are saying it’s also more effective at providing patients with relief against cancer-related fatigue compared with medication. → Read More

100,000-Year-Old Human Skulls Found In China Present Mosaic Of Features, Hint At Intermixing

Fossils offer insights into the past. Human skulls believed to be 100,000 years old discovered in China are offering anything but a straightforward look at how evolution occurred in Eurasia. → Read More

First Evidence Of Rocky Planet Formation In Tatooine-Like Double Sun System Uncovered

For the first time, researchers have found evidence that rocky planets may exist in a double sun system located some 1,000 light-years away from Earth. SDSS 1557 resembles Tatooine, Luke Skywalker’s home planet in 'Starwars' that orbited twin suns. → Read More

Study Reveals Dogs, Toddlers Have Similar Social Intelligence

Maybe there really is merit in being told to get a dog first when you reveal you want a child. Researchers have discovered that dogs and toddlers share similarities in social intelligence. → Read More

Study Results Are 'Very Clear': There's No Link Between Immigration And Crime

According to a study, having a lot of immigrants doesn’t equate to increased levels of crime. The research results are relevant as the Trump administration recently issued an executive order banning nationals from seven countries. → Read More

What Made Zika So Deadly? 7 Proteins May Be To Blame, Say Researchers

Zika caused a public health emergency last year. Now, researchers have identified key proteins that may have been responsible for the virus’ severity, taking them a step closer to mitigating threats Zika still has. → Read More

Fewer, Later Cervical Cancer Screenings May Be Prescribed After Women Get HPV Shots

Got your HPV shots? According to new research, women may undergo cervical cancer screening less frequently and at a later date if they have been vaccinated against the virus. → Read More

Transparent Wood More Energy-Efficient Than Window Glass, Says Study

Energy efficiency is important in homes and businesses. With transparent wood found to be more energy-efficient than window glass, will it be the new standard? → Read More

What Makes Cocaine So Addictive? Study Uncovers Clues

Cocaine addiction affects more than 700,000 people in the United States alone. Researchers have uncovered clues as to what makes the drug so addictive, offering insight that could help develop new treatment options. → Read More

Obesity Risks Rise With Exposure To Air Pollution

Air pollution has long been known to cause health problems. Obesity may be added to the list as researchers have discovered that exposure to air pollution leads to metabolic changes that promote the condition. → Read More

Researchers Develop Hydrogen Biofuel Nano-Reactor From Bacteria And Viruses

Researchers took biofuel production to the next level by combining bacterial and viral components. Their work resulted in a highly efficient enzyme beneficial to making hydrogen fuel. → Read More

Cats Experience Less Stress When They Have Access To Boxes: Study

It seems there’s more to cats and boxes than 'If it fits, I sits.' Researchers have discovered the stress-lowering properties of enclosed cardboard spaces. → Read More