Adam Bible, Men's Fitness

Adam Bible

Men's Fitness

New York, United States

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  • Men's Fitness

Past articles by adam:

A vegetarian diet could help you lose twice as much fat

People with type 2 diabetes lost far more fat—including intra-muscular fat—on an all-veggie diet, according to a new study. → Read More

Defeat depression by consuming more probiotics

There's a strong link between stomach and mind, new research suggests. → Read More

Scientists may have found the root cause of going gray and balding

Tests on mice reveal the potential of a long-term solution to hair loss. → Read More

Eat more avocados to drop your risk of metabolic syndrome

Fans of this fibrous vegetable will love hearing about these recent findings about the health benefits of the avocado and the ways it can add to your healthy diet. → Read More

Forget the "gateway drug" stigma: Vaping doesn't necessarily lead to smoking cigarettes, study says

There's little evidence that e-cigs lead to smoking the analog originals, according to a new analysis from two American universities. → Read More

Regular sexy times mean a better work life

Getting it on often at home should be a priority if you want to make your work life as satisfying as possible says a new study from Oregon State University. The findings reveal that if your work life is suffering, your troubles may not solely originate from a cranky boss or an irritating co-worker, but may be linked to how much nookie you're having with your partner during downtime. → Read More

Will drastically cutting calories help you live longer? Yes, say a bunch of extremely hangry monkeys.

A 30% calorie cut kept primates alive significantly longer. Should you try it? Hell no—at least, not that way. → Read More

The Latest Science on Protein and Muscle Building

New research shows when you eat your protein is key to building muscle (plus, you probably need more protein, dude.) → Read More

The Benefits of Sleep According to Recent Research

Find out how to sleep better and get more energy with insights from these studies. → Read More

Six Substitutions That Will Clean Up Your Grocery List

Superclean substitutions you can make at the market → Read More

Your Guide to Eating Clean in 2015

Shake stubborn fat, pack on more muscle, and get your body feeling great by eating lean, green, and, most of all, “clean.” → Read More

What's Going On Inside Your Stomach

The human body plays host to trillions of bacteria—forming a complex, dynamic, and intimate partnership that science is only beginning to understand. → Read More