Astead W. Herndon, The Boston Globe

Astead W. Herndon

The Boston Globe

Washington, DC, United States

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  • The Boston Globe

Past articles by Astead:

Black Democrats, conflicted on a voting rights push, fear it’s too late

JACKSON, Miss. — The right to vote is what Frank Figgers fought for in the 1960s as a student at a racially segregated high school in Jackson. It is what Medgar Evers died for when he was shot to death outside his home in the city in 1963, after his work with the state NAACP. → Read More

On Trump, Michigan Republicans lean one way: ‘Fealty at all costs’

In Michigan, one of the key battleground states Donald Trump lost in the November election, there are growing signs of a party not in flux, but united in doubling down on the same themes that defined his political style: conspiracy theories, fealty to the leader, a web of misinformation, and intolerance. → Read More

Why Stacey Abrams is confident Georgia will stay blue

In an interview with The New York Times, Stacey Abrams outlined how she believes President-elect Joe Biden won and how liberal groups in other Southern states can replicate Georgia’s path. → Read More

After 2016 shock, Wisconsin Democrats picked themselves off the floor

For Wisconsin Democrats, hope has been something in short supply since 2010. → Read More

Kamala Harris was accused of lying about listening to Tupac and Snoop Dogg. The truth is more complicated

It began as a lighthearted moment. → Read More

To rise above the Democratic pack, Elizabeth Warren tries ‘nerding out’

Almost one month into her presidential campaign, Warren’s passion for policy minutiae has become her way of standing out in an increasingly crowded field. → Read More

Trump promised to ‘drain the swamp.’ So what’s happening with his Cabinet?

The president’s promise to surround himself with top-quality associates has been stymied by constant controversy and scandal. → Read More

Elizabeth Warren and Mick Mulvaney square off over CFPB in Senate hearing

For the normally sleepy Senate Banking Committee, Thursday’s hearing was nothing short of a heavyweight bout. → Read More

Conservatives are making the case to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Some of President Trump’s most fervent supporters are ramping up demands to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller and halt the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. → Read More

Threatened by youth movement, NRA exploits racial divisions

The video — and the controversy it soon ignited — was the most striking example of a concerted effort during the last week to use race as a dividing line in the debate over gun control. → Read More

In Washington, teen marchers make their fear and fury heard

Hundred of thousands of Americans, including many young people enraged by decades of political inaction on the issue of gun control, gathered at the National Mall Saturday afternoon with a singular message for the lawmakers they view as sharing blame for the country’s inordinate amount of gun deaths — enough. → Read More

Vice President Mike Pence finds refuge on the road

WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of the Charlottesville, Va., racial violence, as President Trump struggled to condemn the white nationalists, Vice President Mike Pence was on a swing through South America. → Read More

First, it looked like a Democratic wave. Now, it looks like a tsunami

Before Tuesday’s special election in Pennsylvania, most signs pointed to a Democratic wave in the upcoming midterm elections. But 24 hours later, after Democrat Conor Lamb seems poised to score a razor-thin victory in a Congressional district that widely considered to be “Trump Country,” signs for Republicans are growing more dire and there’s growing concern that the predicted wave could… → Read More

Seth Moulton could see boost from special election in Pennsylvania

A Democrat has closed the gap in a hotly contested special congressional race in Pennsylvania. → Read More

Could Trump face a 2020 Republican primary challenge? The first shoots of rebellion are seen in N.H.

The president’s reelection bid may face credible primary challenges from Republican figures. → Read More

Trump keeps talking about opioids, but critics want action

Another day, another discussion panel at the White House focused on an opioid epidemic that experts say needs less talking and more urgent action. → Read More

Republicans are not just attached to Trump — they’re his customers, too

Of the 230 wineries in Virginia, it was the vineyard in Charlottesville, Va., owned by President Trump that the campaign arm of the Republican Party chose for a recent event. → Read More

Citing Trump’s rising popularity, Republicans becoming more bullish about midterms

After recent policy victories, even as the White House continues to be engulfed in scandal, the tumultuous relationship between the Trump and the GOP has shown signs of mutual admiration. → Read More

Capitol Hill offers prayers — but little action — for mass shooting victims

Another mass shooting. Another day of outraged rhetoric from Washington lawmakers. → Read More

Representative Seth Moulton is building a network of military veterans running for House seats

Representative Seth Moulton is raising eyebrows with his claims to have “recruited’’ a whole new class of veterans, but he nonetheless is getting credit for raising money and bring energy to the cause. → Read More