Ariana Giorgi, The Dallas Morning News

Ariana Giorgi

The Dallas Morning News

Dallas, TX, United States

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Past articles by Ariana:

Do you need flood insurance in Dallas? Our guide to help you decide

Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria left billions of dollars in damage — but most homeowners with big losses didn’t have flood insurance.Dallas,... → Read More

8 of Texas’ wealthiest saw their worth rise by more than $1 billion since pandemic began

The wealth owned by Texas’ richest grew by more than 10%, according to Forbes’ real-time billionaires data. → Read More

Dallas children’s advocates worry abuse is being underreported since COVID-19 closed schools

What might have happened if Juan Vaquero hadn’t been there that night? Following the sound of a small voice one night in May, the 54-year-old electrician... → Read More

Coronavirus has rattled life in North Texas. These 13 numbers show how we’ve changed

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the Dallas-Fort Worth region in extraordinary ways and transformed the lives of the 7.7 million people that live here.... → Read More

More than half of Gov. Greg Abbott’s coronavirus panel on reopening Texas are campaign donors

AUSTIN -- Gov. Greg Abbott named 39 prominent Texans, most business and industry leaders, to a panel that will help guide a reopening of the state's... → Read More

COVID-19 pandemic highlights shortage of nurses and respiratory therapists looming over Texas

Well before anyone knew of COVID-19, workforce experts warned that Texas faced an impending nursing shortage. The Texas Center for Nursing Workforce... → Read More

Dallas developers lobbied to receive a tax break meant to help the poor

Empty lots and abandoned warehouses throughout the Cedars neighborhood south of downtown have transformed over the last decade into modern, boxy apartment... → Read More

Millions being spent in remaining Texas House GOP primary battles between tea partiers and moderates

AUSTIN — Texas Republicans aren’t devouring their own as much as they used to, but in a Tarrant County House fight and two other GOP contests in... → Read More

Red-light traffic cameras reduced crashes, and now they’re gone. What’s next for Dallas?

When elected leaders in Dallas approved another contract for the city’s red-light enforcement program in 2017, officials said the cameras kept the streets... → Read More

As Dallas revives public pools, some neighborhoods are left behind

As Dallas revives public pools, some neighborhoods are left behind → Read More

With the Texas House at play in 2020 elections, Dallas-Fort Worth candidates draw big money

AUSTIN --- Next year’s battle for the Texas House may be won or lost in Dallas-Fort Worth and both sides are pouring large amounts of money into... → Read More

Do you need flood insurance in Dallas? Our guide to help you decide

Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria left billions of dollars in damage — but most homeowners with big losses didn’t have flood insurance.Dallas,... → Read More

Learn Something New Without Losing Your Head

A simple approach to learning the fundamentals of a new tool or programming language → Read More

Farmers Ditch Wheat to Chase the Corn Boom

Corn country is no longer limited to Iowa, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. Farmers everywhere want to ride rising crop prices → Read More

Kids Are Learning to Code With a Slice of Raspberry Pi

A credit card-size computer lets students choose among 10 operating systems → Read More

This Is Just an Average Year for Car Recalls (Aside From GM)

Would you believe that the rate of recalls in the U.S. auto industry is perfectly normal, aside from one attention-grabbing outlier? → Read More

The Three Unexplained Mysteries of Taxi Tipping Behavior

When it comes to human behavior in a yellow cab, sometimes the data doesn't quite make sense no matter how you scrutinize it → Read More

Cristiano Ronaldo's Body, Sponsorship Machine: An Anatomical Guide

It's not all blue-chip brands in the Ronaldo sponsorship portfolio. A Japanese facial exerciser? → Read More

Here's How Much You Should Be Tipping Your Cab Driver

Ever wonder if you’re tipping your cabbie the right amount? Could you be thinning your wallet with too generous of a tip—or unwittingly stiffing the driver? → Read More

The Pay-for-Performance Myth

For chief executive officers, correlation between pay and stock performance is pretty random, as this chart illustrates → Read More