David Taylor, The Times of London

David Taylor

The Times of London

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  • The Times of London

Past articles by David:

Putin demanded share of my company, claims businessman

Vladimir Putin received a 4 per cent share in a lucrative oil company when he was deputy mayor of St Petersburg, a businessman has alleged. Max Freidzon is suing two of Russia’s energy giants, Lukoil, the → Read More

Tories knew they would win election three weeks before vote

Conservative campaign managers knew three weeks before election day that they were heading for victory, Jim Messina, President Obama’s campaign guru, has revealed. Almost every public poll suggested for weeks t → Read More

The heart of America is in its music

He must be Watermelon Slim. Sixty-something, unshaven and a perfect partner for a red-lit rundown room where the ceiling seems to be held together with distended plastic sheets. Red’s juke joint, a destin → Read More

Brooklyn Bridge is (almost) falling down, as are 61,000 others

It was turned into an object of adoration by Woody Allen, and Sex and The City reached a romantic climax there — but the 132-year-old Brooklyn Bridge is showing its age. The latticework suspension bridg → Read More

Lessons from America: surviving tonight’s leaders’ debate

No audible sighing, do not lose your temper, and never, ever take a sly look at your watch. As David Cameron prepares for a televised debate where he is likely to face a host of candidates ganging up on → Read More

Clinton told to hand over all emails on Libya killing

Hillary Clinton was ordered yesterday to hand over personal emails relating to the killing of a US ambassador in Libya as Republicans moved to taint her presidential run. The former secretary of state h → Read More

Racial bias rife in Ferguson, report reveals

Racist emails and bias at every level of the justice system have been uncovered by an official investigation into police in Ferguson, the Missouri suburb engulfed by rioting last year. The US Justice Department → Read More

Netanyahu launches assault on Iran talks: ‘countdown to a nuclear nightmare’

Binyamin Netanyahu warned that the world faces a “countdown to a nuclear nightmare” as he used a controversial speech to the US Congress to launch an all-out assault against international talks with Iran. → Read More

Sarah Palin? She’s not my cup of tea, says Farage

UKIP leader Nigel Farage flew thousands of miles to address an almost empty room last night as he tried to boost his election credentials on the international stage. Mr Farage, who is trying to draw vot → Read More

Capitol Hill is fuming as Washington mayor legalises marijuana

Marijuana was due to be legalised in Washington last night, opening the way for a furious legal battle between the city’s mayor and Congress. The law, which was to come into effect at midnight, makes it le → Read More

Jeb Bush rocked by wife’s $90,000 jewellery habit

Jeb Bush has been warned many times that his relatives could derail his nascent presidential campaign, but most people had in mind his brother George’s bungled war on terror and his father’s unpopular tax hikes → Read More

Jeb Bush distances himself from stigma of his brother’s war

Jeb Bush moved to distance himself yesterday from his family’s foreign policy record, as he shaped his run for the presidency. As he gave a speech to say “I am my own man”, however, it emerged that he was → Read More

Obama praises Dalai Lama and risks Chinese anger

President Obama risked the wrath of China yesterday with a heartfelt public appreciation of the Dalai Lama. He greeted the exiled Tibetan leader as a “good friend” and likened him to Pope Francis as an → Read More

Jeb Bush says Obama killed American dream

Jeb Bush accused President Obama of leaving many Americans “on the edge of economic ruin” yesterday in his first big speech on the long road to the 2016 election. The former governor of Florida chose an → Read More

9/11 conspirator Moussaoui claims Saudi royal family ‘funded al-Qaeda’

The only terrorist convicted of involvement in plotting the 9/11 attacks on America has accused the Saudi royal family of funding al-Qaeda in evidence given from his jail cell. Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called → Read More

US and Iran close to deal on weapons

The United States and Iran are reported to be close to a breakthrough in the talks aimed at preventing Tehran from developing nuclear weapons. However, the hint of an agreement, which could allow Iran to keep → Read More

Ben Carson: the brain surgeon who took on Obama

A knife fight at the age of 14 might have been enough to bring an abrupt halt to any notion that a skinny kid called Ben Carson would go on to achieve greatness. Brought up by a single mother in 1960s Detro → Read More

New York told to prepare for record snows

New York is braced for what could be the worst snowstorm in the city’s history today, as the east coast of America was set to be engulfed by blizzards. The US National Weather Service issued a blizzard war → Read More

Photo will hurt me until I die, admits Hanoi Jane

More than 40 years after she outraged millions of Americans by posing for pictures with North Vietnamese soldiers, Jane Fonda has publicly admitted it was a “huge mistake”. The actress, who was nickname → Read More

Cameron to press Obama on Briton jailed at Guantanamo

David Cameron will head for Washington tomorrow intent on asking President Obama to release the last British resident from Guantanamo Bay. The prime minister will have a private dinner with Mr Obama at the → Read More