Jessica Catcher, ViralNova

Jessica Catcher


New York, NY, United States

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  • ViralNova
  • Mashable

Past articles by Jessica:

You May Love The Holidays, But These 25 Pets Just Can't Wait 'Til It's Over

These adorable animals all have mixed emotions when it comes to getting into the holiday spirit this year. → Read More

This Dog Sees His Owner After Years Of Being Separated. His Reaction Will Make You Cry

This sweet pup is so happy to see his owner after three longs years apart, he just can't help but go a little crazy. → Read More

His Wife Cried Almost Every Day. Then, He Started Writing Down The Reasons...

Comedian Aaron Gilles decided to record all the reasons his wife was crying over the course of a month, and the results are perfect. → Read More

He Was About To Punish His Dog For Getting Into The Garbage, 'Til He Saw This Hilarity

This silly dog was going to be in so much trouble for getting into the trash again, until his owner found him in this hilarious spot. → Read More

She Was Almost Lifeless When Rescuers Found Her, This Will 100% Break Your Heart

Named after the fierce warrior princess, Xena the dog needed a lot of help to fight her way to health when she was found abandoned and starving. → Read More

She Was Putting Her Babies To Bed, But Got Confused In The Cutest Way Possible

When this mama ferret says it's time for bed, you better listen. That means you too, human! → Read More

21 Gorgeous Natural Wonders Around The World You Should Visit Before It's Too Late

These gorgeous natural wonders around the world inspire tourists to visit, but time might be running out fast. → Read More

Think Cats Aren't Loving? Here's Exactly How They Show Their Undying Affection.

You might not realize just how much your cat cares for you. → Read More

When Water Touches This Boardwalk, Something Magical (And Unexpected) Happens. WOW.

Walking along this beach is a beautiful sight, but it's the sounds of the win playing music near by that really make it magical. → Read More

You'll Laugh When You See Who's Trying To Take This Teddy Bear Inside For A Nap

This silly dachshund refuses to go to sleep until he can get his best buddy, large teddy bear, into the kennel with him. He is one determined pup. → Read More

This Little Girl Has A Blast Hanging Out With Her Besties...14 German Shepherds

This 5-year-old girl has the coolest group of besties: 14 playful, adorable German shepherds. → Read More

Every Morning, She Goes To This Field...These Animals Are Masters Of Disguise

When this farmer went to check on her sheep, she thought all 500 had disappeared. Luckily, they were just blending into their surroundings. → Read More

They Were Out At Sea When They Saw Something Swimming Through The Waters...

They had no idea what he was doing so far out in the water. → Read More

This Sweet Pup's Heart Is Broken After Being Returned To The Shelter She Came From

This sweet pup named Lana was adopted last year, but had to return to the shelter when her family couldn't keep her. Her sad photo will break your heart. → Read More

Nothing On This Earth Could've Kept These 27 Super-Tired Babies From Sleeping

These adorable animals are just too tired to function, they need to take a nap right now. → Read More

This Dog Really Wants To Play With This Cat...So Much That He Starts Mimicking Her

This poor husky just really, really wants to be best friends with the cat...but the cat isn't so sure. → Read More

27 Totally Hilarious Wedding Fails That Might Make You Never Want To Get Married

Everyone wants their wedding day to be totally perfect, but more often than not, they end up like this. → Read More

Apparently, A Duck's Natural Enemy Is...A Strong Gust Of Wind

This sweet, little family of ducks had some issues getting around when a few strong gusts of wind knocked them off their feet. → Read More

This Guilty Dog Wishes His Mom Hadn't Just Brought Up The Cupcake Incident

Sebastian is a big, fluffy Newfoundland who feels really bad about eating a cupcake off the counter, but wishes his human would stop bringing it up. → Read More

26 Sweet Doggies Snuggling With Babies, Because...Well, CUTE!

These sweet dogs love snuggling up and hanging out with their new little human baby siblings so much. → Read More