Steven Burns,

Steven Burns

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Past articles by Steven:

No Man's Sky and the terrible power of hype

Hello Games has created a game with near limitless planets to explore, but its biggest challenge will be competing against the imaginations of its players. → Read More

Quadrilateral Cowboy Review

Quadrilateral Cowboy review: A smart, engaging puzzler with a great central mechanic. → Read More

Why Sonic Mania will be the best Sonic game for years

It's been a while since the last good Sonic game, and yet it appears that Sonic Mania might actually be good (I know, I know). Here's five reasons why. → Read More

Hitman: 5 other famous people we'd like to see as targets

We've had Gary Busey. Who's next? → Read More

Beat Cop Preview for PC

Preview - It's not an officially-licensed Bad Lieutenant game, but Beat Cop is as near as you're going to get. → Read More

Hitman: Summer Bonus Episode Review

Hitman: Summer Bonus Episode review: An interesting and imaginative remix. → Read More

Replica Review

Replica review: An interesting phone-hacking game which draws from the player's real-world experiences to good effect. → Read More

Why is TmarTn stumbling from one disaster to the next?

He's a famous YouTuber known for 'connecting' with a massive audience. But why doesn't he understand them? → Read More

CSGOLotto: TmarTn, Syndicate, and the dark side of YouTube's cults of personality

Oh dear. → Read More

6 Reasons why Nintendo hasn't shown you the NX yet

Miyamoto may claim that it's because he doesn't want others copying it, but we know the truth. → Read More

System Shock gets Kickstarter right... so far

It may ultimately fail to deliver, but right now Nightdive Studios' plan to bring back System Shock is both simple and smart. → Read More

On Xbox Fitness, 'sunsetting', and other nonsense words

Microsoft is planning to "sunset" Xbox Fitness. Why not just say 'close'? → Read More

Dead by Daylight Review

Dead by Daylight review: It lacks polish, but Dead by Daylight is a genuinely tense ode to 80s slasher movies. → Read More

Umbrella Corps Review

Umbrella Corps review: A confused and confusing shooter which can't capitalise on the famous franchise it leans on. → Read More

Resident Evil 7 marketers give fans the finger

Just why is everyone still playing the Resi demo? → Read More

The top 6 moments of E3 2016

A look back at the greatest reveals, announcements, and other happenings at the world's most over-the-top gaming event. → Read More

The God of War effect: 6 other violent games that will soon feature children

With God of War going all paternal, we looked at which other franchises might benefit from the calming addition of children. → Read More

Resident Evil 7's demo proves that the Resi name doesn't mean what it used to, and that's just fine

Capcom's teaser shows that when it comes to Resident Evil it is abstraction and agency that is most important, not camera angles. → Read More

E3 2016: Sony conference recap

Kojima! The Last Guardian! Resident Evil 7! Loads of VR stuff! A look back at Sony's conference. → Read More

E3 2016: Ubisoft conference recap

Steep! Watch Dogs 2! The longest keynote in history! → Read More