Talib Visram, Fast Company

Talib Visram

Fast Company

New York, NY, United States

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  • Unknown
  • Fast Company
  • The Atlantic

Past articles by Talib:

This app is tackling food insecurity and reducing grocery store waste

Flashfood, one of the 50 Most Innovative Companies of 2023, offers an app that allows grocers to alert shoppers to food being discounted before it expires. → Read More

Europeans love these tiny cars. Could they ever work in America?

'Light electric vehicles' are cheaper and more energy efficient than even standard EVs. But U.S. road regulations and city design may be holding them back. → Read More

Tiny cars are all the rage in European cities. Could they ever work in America?

'Light electric vehicles' are cheaper and more energy efficient than even standard EVs. But U.S. road regulations and city design may be holding them back. → Read More

Inside the fight for a $1 million fund to help California’s low-wage vineyard workers

Natural disasters are hitting Sonoma County's wine country hard. The immigrant workers who prop up the industry are at particular risk. → Read More

On Super Bowl weekend, Phoenix will divert 2,000 tons of food waste. Here’s how

During Super Bowl weekend, Phoenix expects fans to generate tons of food and packaging waste. But it's ready. → Read More

American citizens can now sponsor refugees. Here’s how it works

A new program provides the infrastructure for ordinary Americans to sponsor refugees, speeding up the process and helping with integration. → Read More

Colorado is about to launch the country’s first unemployment fund for undocumented immigrants

Undocumented workers contribute heavily to the economy, yet are shut out of unemployment benefits. → Read More

Why don’t cashiers in the U.S. get to sit like the ones in Europe?

Seated cashiers are the norm in European supermarkets, so why don't more U.S. workers fight for this right? → Read More

Can these ‘micro shelters’ help Birmingham’s chronically homeless population transition to housing?

The 9-by-8-foot cabins from Pallet are designed to be transitionary shelters while people look for permanent housing. → Read More

Now your house can feature an iconic, upcycled part of the New York skyline

Furniture outlet Room & Board is turning New York's iconic water towers into accent pieces for the home. → Read More

The Netherlands was once a cannabis pioneer, but it still hasn’t legalized weed. What happened?

The EU's laws make it difficult for any member country to legalize recreational weed. But Germany and the Netherlands are finally starting to push back. → Read More

Anti ‘woke’ ESG policies are already costing taxpayers millions

Republican politicians are coming down hard on ESG investing, even though their constituents are the ones who pay the price. → Read More

‘Zero waste’ often doesn’t actually mean zero. Not so in this Pittsburgh kitchen

The chef at this nonprofit kitchen can turn random deliveries—be it 40 commercial tubs of sour cream or half a cow’s worth of meat—into meals for the hungry. → Read More

How we can make Thanksgiving travel better for people with disabilities

Boarding and deboarding, wheelchair storage, and even bathroom use can cause worries for air travelers with disabilities. Advocates are pushing for legislation to smooth the process. → Read More

Toyota just released a new Prius. But the company isn’t as environmentally friendly as people think

Climate advocates call ‘greenwashing’ as Toyota touts its eco-credentials at the same time that it lobbies against clean air regulations behind the scenes. → Read More

How to build a platform to let online shoppers offset their emissions

Carbon-offset company Climate Vault usually works with corporate clients—it’s next step is finding ways to help them offer offsetting directly to consumers. → Read More

Are community board meetings the height of democracy or a ‘Parks and Rec’ satire?

Local board meetings favor the loudest and most available. Are they hindering democracy? → Read More

How 5 Black female clergy leaders are building a network of climate activists

The Black Church-The Green Movement is training hundreds of pastors across the country to educate their congregations on climate change and environmental racism. → Read More

Why pro-democracy advocates want to bring back this electoral system from the 1800s

Fusion voting allows a candidate to run on multiple party lines. Could it help end the country’s ‘two-party doom loop?’ → Read More

Inside one company’s journey to revolutionize how electric vehicles are made

From battery mining to manufacturing, producing electric vehicles is extremely carbon intensive. A Swedish company wants to show it can be done better. → Read More