Osha Key, Lifehack

Osha Key



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  • Lifehack
  • mindbodygreen

Past articles by Osha:

19 Super Healthy Benefits of Celery

Did you know that celery is not only beneficial for weight loss and detox, but may also combat cancer and has many other unexpected health benefits? → Read More

How To Build The Ultimate Plant-Based Salad Bowl

Eating salad is a great way to pack lots of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, and fiber into your diet. But salad can be a very broad term. Salads aren't always healthy — → Read More

7 Mindset Shifts That Helped Me Lose 40 Pounds

At 23 years old, I was overweight and didn't like the person I had become. I had hit a low in my life and had a difficult time moving past it. I had a stressful job, was a coffee addict, ate very → Read More

7 Habits That Helped Me Lose 40 Pounds

It’s been over five years since I decided to take responsibility for my health and change my lifestyle. As a result, I’ve lost 40 pounds of fat and managed to keep it off. Here are the seven habits I → Read More

Got Pulp? 5 Delicious Ways To Use Pulp After Juicing

According to the American Dietetic Association, people need to consume between 25 and 38 grams of fiber a day, but most Americans get nowhere near this amount. This is because most processed foods → Read More

6 Morning Rituals Healthy And Successful People Do Every Day

See how these six habits can change your day, make you more productive and successful, and improve your long-term health. → Read More

How I Naturally Healed My Acne-Prone Skin

When I made a drastic lifestyle shift in order to heal some more severe health issues I had, I healed my acne- and wrinkle-prone skin in the process. Though I still get breakouts and have large → Read More

A Raw Mango Dressing To Perk Up Any Salad

When it comes to salad, the dressing is a key ingredient that determines whether the salad is going to taste great, average or pretty inedible. It’s very easy to get store-bought dressings that → Read More

40 Simple Things You Can Do Every Day To Become Much Healthier

If you want to improve your health, boost energy levels, shed extra pounds and slow down aging, follow these 40 simple tips on a daily basis. → Read More

How I Changed My Diet To Lose Weight & Keep It Off

Weight loss is a daunting task for many people. We’re brainwashed into thinking we need to diet, restrict food intake, force ourselves to exercise, all while feeling deprived along the way. It's → Read More

How I Lost 40 Pounds Without Depriving Myself

For years, I struggled with being overweight. I eventually lost 40 pounds but the journey wasn’t easy. I had to find my way through a maze of confusing and often contradictory information. I tried → Read More

How To Detox Your Body (No Willpower Or Deprivation Required)

Have you been searching for ways to aid your body's natural detoxification process? Well, here are four simple tips that you can incorporate into your diet to help cleanse your body. → Read More

Wake-Me-Up Green Juice Recipe

Everyone knows about the amazing benefits of kale. But did you know that watercress is even more powerful? This green juice is packed with nutrients and tastes very refreshing, so it's a great way to → Read More

Drink This Juice For Glowing Skin!

One of the reasons why the skin becomes dull and saggy is decreasing collagen in the skin as we age. One of my favorite ways to boost collagen production is by making this “Glowing Skin” juice with → Read More

The Little-Known Substance That Can Help You Detox

In an ideal world, you would be eating perfectly natural unprocessed foods all the time, just from the tree or off of the ground. There would be no pollution. The air and water would be pure and free → Read More

A Juice To Detox From Heavy Metals

Heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, uranium and aluminum may enter the human body through food, water, air, or by absorption through the skin. These toxins contribute to serious health → Read More

How I Lost 40 Pounds & Kept It Off

It’s been more than four years since I decided to take responsibility for my health and change my lifestyle. Not only have I lost over 40 pounds of fat, but I have also managed to keep it off, which → Read More

10 Tricks To Clean Up Your Diet

Some people claim that healthy eating takes a lot of time and is complicated. But it doesn't have to be this way. If you know how to do it right, you can incorporate more healthy food into your life! → Read More

10 Detoxifying Foods For Spring

Spring is here, and it\u2019s time to cleanse our bodies! → Read More

12 Foods To Fight Inflammation

Although acute inflammation is important and vital for our healing process, chronic inflammation might lead to a number of illnesses. According to the Department of Health and Human Services and → Read More