Michael Cahill, Entrepreneur

Michael Cahill


New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Michael:

7 DIY SEO Tactics for Companies Not Ready to Hire a Consultant

Simple tactics, like claiming your listings and managing social media, can increase your ranking. → Read More

He Was Arm Wrestling On Live TV When The Most Cringe-Worthy Thing Ever Happened

When two people get into an arm wrestling match, usually it's all in good fun. At least until one accidentally breaks the other's arm trying to win... → Read More

The Drink Served At This Local Bar Will Churn Even The Toughest Of Stomachs

Local traditions are more often than not the best traditions. Sometimes, though, they can take a turn into the creepy and gross, like the sourtoe cocktail → Read More

This Is Why You Should Always Stay Far, Far Away From Any And All Container Ships

Driving a boat is a lot harder than you might think. If you don't have enough experience then you might find yourself in this situation... → Read More

What This Spider Does When It Sees A Laser Pointer Is Adorably Strange

Most people would never take the time to play with a spider. But if you have a laser pointer and a pest problem, you can have a weirdly creepy good time. → Read More

NASA Cameras Caught Something Bizarre On Film...And They Forgot To Cut The Feed

During a routine space flight to the ISS this week, NASA's cameras spotted something extraterrestrial hovering nearby. → Read More

What Doctors Found Living In This Guy's Eyeball Will Keep You Awake For Days

In the developing world, the Loa loa worm is a nightmare. The only thing worse than having one is getting it removed...it's incredibly painful. → Read More

She Disappeared Without A Trace In 1976, And No One Knows Where She Went

Cindy Hernandez was 18 years old when she disappeared without a trace on her way to the movies. All these years later we still don't have a clue about her fate. → Read More

What This Hiker Caught On Tape Will Convince You That The Apocalypse Is Coming Soon

If you're not convinced that the end of days is coming soon, then you might not be so optimistic after you see the weather in this video. → Read More

What Scientists Did To A Cat In This Vintage Experiment Is Absolutely Horrifying

Scientists had a theory about how brains functioned. To test it, they decided to remove most of this cat's brain. → Read More

He Had A Nosebleed For Two Days, And What Doctors Found In His Lungs Is Insane

He was suffering from a bloody nose for a few days. When he finally went to the hospital, doctors figured out the cause. It was horrifying. → Read More

His Wife Noticed Something Growing On Her Hand, And What Happened Will Make You Sick

A few years ago, one Redditor found himself living in a real life episode of House after weird spots started appearing on his wife's hand. → Read More

This Medical Video Makes Limb-Lengthening Procedures Look Incredibly Painful

Of all the freaky surgeries out there, this might be the worst. → Read More

A Hiker Accidentally Stumbled Upon One Of The Freakiest Things Ever Hiding In Nature

Hiking can be a great activity, except when you come across a snake pit by accident. If that happen you should probably run instead of filming it up close. → Read More

13 Times That Baby Monitors Captured Something Unnecessarily Creepy

Video baby monitors are all the rage these days and with good reason, they work really well. Sometimes though, they managed to capture some very creepy stuff. → Read More

If You Visit The Homes Of These 8 Dead Celebrities, You're In For A Creepy Surprise

Celebrities love to be the center of attention. When they it's actually understandable that their spirits might not be ready to leave the public eye... → Read More

These Archaeologists Were Excavating Ancient Ruins When They Found Something Tragic

2,000 years ago Pompeii was wiped off the map. The remains of its inhabitants were preserved in volcanic ash and they're absolutely heartbreaking to see. → Read More

What They Found Inside This Ordinary-Looking Building In Philadelphia Is Pure Terror

On an unassuming street in downtown Philadelphia is a building that looks quite normal from the outside. Inside though, are medical oddities to last a lifetime. → Read More

What This Guy Found Flying Around His Back Yard Is Amazing And Absolutely Terrifying

Just when you think you think you've seen all the creepy animals in nature, another one rears its head. Meet the mantidfly, your latest nightmare. → Read More

Images Scientists Captured In Deep, DEEP Space Will Make You Feel Terrifyingly Tiny

It's human nature to think that we know all there is to know about the universe. While it would be great if that were true, it's just sadly not the case. → Read More