Sheryl Boldt, Tallahassee Democrat

Sheryl Boldt

Tallahassee Democrat

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  • Tallahassee Democrat

Past articles by Sheryl:

Send up the prayer: Is your need important to God?

When our promotion comes through or our home is spared, should we feel guilty because others weren't as fortunate? → Read More

How to forgive those who willfully hurt us with grace| Boldt

When there’s abuse involved, forgiveness doesn’t mean staying in a dangerous situation. → Read More

As we have before, America can rise above distrust and division

We can begin by finding ways to serve our families, churches and communities. → Read More

When others are promoted ahead of you, trust in God's plan

You want to be glad for others’ success, but you can’t help wondering when it will be your turn to be recognized. → Read More

Subtle ways we judge others is often unkind, hurtful

Let’s face it, sometimes we assume things about others when we don’t have all the facts. → Read More

Clearing a path for change: Why our faith needs to be tested

Only when our faith is tested will we experience firsthand God’s power and intervention. → Read More

Is it time to ask for help? Reach out for support today

Perhaps you’re finally aware of how much you need the support of others to make today different from yesterday. → Read More

Ever wonder how God would describe you?

If you know you haven’t been “living right,” you may feel nervous at the thought of what they might say. → Read More

When you are troubled, reach out for the Redeemer

As I cried into the facecloth, it seemingly transformed. In my mind, the cloth turned into Jesus’ robe. → Read More

What dream or goal have you put aside?

What if we recall the gratifying feelings we experienced every time we accomplished a goal? → Read More

When your loved one is dealing with depression

Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, I want to validate the despair and hopelessness your depressed friend is experiencing. → Read More

Do you hate seeing pictures of yourself? Don't miss out on family moments

I envy those of you who don’t seem worried about how you look in the pictures people post on social media. → Read More

Is God disappointed with you? (An Easter message)

Try to imagine what it would be like to be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love by the One Who loves you. → Read More

Prepare heart for Easter: When we've been forgiven much

As we prepare our hearts for Easter, What if we were to recall times we’ve also received God’s mercy? → Read More

What to do when you're stuck in a procrastination season

Tackle that task you’ve been putting off or at least put a good-sized dent into it. → Read More

How to quit: Are we addicted to snark?

How often do we give in to hateful thoughts about people with whom we disagree? → Read More

You are loved: Make this your best Valentine's Day

The truth is, we are loved. We’re loved by God, Himself. Please don’t skip past this. → Read More

Would I have chosen abortion if I had been in your situation?

I’ve never had a crisis pregnancy, but it must be a frightening and emotional experience. → Read More

Month by month, we can live differently in 2021

If yesterday was disappointing, today can be different. With God’s help, we can overcome bad and sinful behavior. → Read More

Discovering what Christmas is all about

During this Christmas season, I seek to enter into an even deeper – a more worshipful – relationship. → Read More