Alexis Perrier, InfoQ

Alexis Perrier


Washington, DC, United States

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Past articles by Alexis:

Google Releases Google-Landmarks-V2 a Large-Scale Dataset for Landmark Recognition & Retrieval

Google has released Google-Landmarks-v2 an improved dataset for Landmark Recognition & Retrieval, along with Detect-to-Retrieve, a Tensorflow codebase for large-scale instance-level image recognition. → Read More

The Lowdown on Face Recognition Technology

Facial recognition is a direct application of machine learning that is being deployed far and wide to consumers, in the industry and to law enforcement agencies with potential benefits in our daily lives as well as serious concerns for privacy. facial recognition models show above human performances but real world implementation remains problematic for some applications. → Read More

Face Recognition Everywhere

Facial recognition is a direct application of machine learning that is being deployed far and wide to consumers, in the industry and to law enforcement agencies with potential benefits in our daily lives as well as serious concerns for privacy. facial recognition models show above human performances but real world implementation remains problematic for some applications. → Read More

Google Brings Machine Learning to Firebase with ML KIT

Google recently introduced ML KIT, a machine-learning module fully integrated in its Firebase mobile development platform and available for both iOS and Android. With this new Firebase module, Google simplifies the creation of machine-learning powered applications on mobile phones and solves some of the challenges of implementing computationally intense features on mobile devices. → Read More

Google Upgrades Its Speech-to-Text Service with Tailored Deep-Learning Models

A month after Google announced breakthroughs in Text-to-Speech generation technologies, the company followed through with a major upgrade of its Speech-to-Text API cloud service. The updated service leverages deep-learning models for speech transcription that are tailored to specific use-cases: short voice commands, phone calls and video and includes adding punctuation to the transcribed text. → Read More

Securing IoT Devices with Microsoft's Azure Sphere

To improve security of IoT devices, Microsoft announced Azure Sphere, an end-to-end solution for Internet-connected microcontrollers (MCUs). Azure Sphere has a three-layer architecture based on hybrid microcontrollers running a new IoT-optimized Linux kernel and leveraging a cloud-based security service. The first Azure Sphere chip, the MT3620, is developed by MediaTek Inc. → Read More

Tensorflow with Javascript Brings Deep Learning to the Browser

Google launched Tensorflow.js, a Javascript implementation of its open-source Tensorflow deep-learning framework during the recent TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018. Tensorflow.js enables training models directly in the browser by leveraging the WebGL JavaScript API for faster computations. → Read More

Dataiku's Latest Release Integrates Deep-Learning for Computer Vision

Collaborative data science platform Dataiku's latest release of its Data Science Studio includes pre-trained deep learning models for image processing. The DSS platform implements each step of a data-science project from data-sourcing and visualization to production deployment. Its machine-learning module supports standard libraries and it integrates with Hadoop and multiple Spark engines. → Read More

Baidu Release Huge Dataset "ApolloScape" for Autonomous Vehicle Research

Baidu, the Chinese internet giant, has released ApolloScape, a massive data-set for autonomous vehicle simulation and research. ApolloScape is an order of magnitude more complex than similar open data-sets. It is part of Apollo, Baidu's vehicle simulation and hardware platform. With this release, Baidu strengthens its position in the automated driving sector. → Read More

Microsoft Embeds Artificial Intelligence Platform in Windows 10 Update

The next Windows 10 update opens the way for the integration of artificial intelligence functionalities within Windows applications. Developers will be able to integrate pre-trained deep-learning models converted to the ONNX framework in their Windows applications. → Read More

Facebook Releases Open Source "Detectron" Deep-Learning Library for Object Detection

Recent releases from Facebook and Google implement the most current deep-learning algorithms to take a crack at the challenging problem of machine object detection. → Read More