Monica Parikh, mindbodygreen

Monica Parikh


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Past articles by Monica:

25 Ways To Be Happier (And Why Your Relationship Depends On It)

I recently stumbled upon a quote by author Tom Robbins that perfectly describes why love often fails: “When we’re incomplete, we’re always searching for someone else to complete us. When, after a → Read More

10 Beliefs That Could Be Keeping You From True Love

People are complicated. Relationships are muddy. If you unknowingly cling to Hollywood fairy tales about love, you'll likely make bad choices, and you might end up denying yourself the chance to → Read More

10 Reasons To Just Choose To Forgive

Several years ago, my husband left me — "disappeared" might be a better word. It ripped my world open in ways I didn't know were possible. The future as I'd planned it was gone. That life was an → Read More

How To Trust Again When You Have Serious Baggage From An Ex

My partner, Bill, and I have been together nearly four years. We had our first fight six months into our relationship, and I remember it as though it were yesterday. During a romantic dinner, a minor → Read More

How To Take Control Of Your Money After A Devastating Breakup

The end of a relationship is always emotionally devastating. As hard as it is to face the tough stuff when your emotional life is in chaos, dismantling a shared financial life can make things even → Read More

Why Everyone Should Travel Alone (At Least Once)

Last week, I returned from my seventh solo vacation. When I travel alone, strangers often inquire whether I am afraid or lonely. My answer never wavers: “I love my alone time. I have adventures. I → Read More

Why Everyone Should Travel Alone (At Least Once)

Last week, I returned from my seventh solo vacation. When I travel alone, strangers often inquire whether I am afraid or lonely. My answer never wavers: “I love my alone time. I have adventures. I → Read More

How To Make Sure Your Relationship Succeeds, Once & For All

Last week, a reader emailed me, “I just went through my fourth divorce. I’m tired of repeating my failures and have shut down emotionally although I don’t want to. I've just lost too much.” His → Read More

5 Behaviors You Should Avoid After A Breakup

I often marvel at the strength of celebrities and other public figures who endure the ego-decimating effects of a divorce or breakup in the public eye. Take, for example, Jennifer Garner and Ben → Read More

10 Reasons It's Great To Be Single (Even If It's Not What You Want)

I wrote this approximately two months after my ex-husband’s sudden disappearance. Faced with unanticipated heartbreak, I could not begin to fathom the journey I was beginning. After nine years of → Read More

What I Learned When My Ex-Husband Walked Out Of My Life

I wrote this passage in my journal one week after my ex-husband’s sudden disappearance. After a 10-year relationship, he simply changed his mind and walked out the door never to be seen again. I am → Read More

5 Habits Of Highly Desirable Men

Energized by the success of our most recent article “5 Habits of Highly Desirable Women," relationship expert Aimee Hartstein, LCSW and I felt compelled to write a companion piece for men. Our → Read More

5 Habits Of Highly Desirable Women

Last week, I had an illuminating conversation with one of my clients, Ken. A surgeon with a thriving practice in New York City, Ken has the good looks of a Hollywood actor, and the down-to-earth → Read More

My Ex-Husband Broke My Heart. Here's How I Healed

A few years ago, 10 words irrevocably changed the course of my life: \u201CI do not love you anymore. I want a divorce.\u201D After 10 years, my ex-husband simply changed his mind about our marriage. He → Read More

5 Questions To Ask Before You End A Relationship

Buoyed by the success of our first collaboration, I invited Carolyn Byrne (a matrimonial attorney) and Aimee Hartstein (a marriage therapist) to join me (a dating coach) for lunch again. → Read More

The Simple Gesture That Can Change Your Life

At the start of 2014, I bumped into an old colleague friend of mine named Tasha. It had been two years since I\'d seen her, but we had an illuminating conversation during our chance encounter. As → Read More

Advice I Wish I Could Give My 20-Year-Old Self About Love

I know how badly you want a boyfriend. You are watching your closest friends couple-up and disappear. But slow down. You have a lot of learning to do and a lot of mistakes to make. Perhaps you're a → Read More

Advice I Wish I Could Give My 20-Year-Old Self About Love

I know how badly you want a boyfriend. You are watching your closest friends couple-up and disappear. But slow down. You have a lot of learning to do and a lot of mistakes to make. Perhaps you're a → Read More

Advice I Wish I Could Give My 20-Year-Old Self About Love

I know how badly you want a boyfriend. You are watching your closest friends couple-up and disappear. But slow down. You have a lot of learning to do and a lot of mistakes to make. Perhaps you're a → Read More