Tom Eaton, Times LIVE

Tom Eaton

Times LIVE

Cape Town, WC, South Africa

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Past articles by Tom:

TOM EATON | If Tokyo Sexwale is writing lovely things about you, joke’s on you

It’s easy to become cynical and start doubting everything you read → Read More

TOM EATON | What next? We need to ask ourselves what sort of country we want to build

We need to visualise what we want and, to the best of our abilities, vote accordingly → Read More

TOM EATON | Pravin doth protest too much, methinks

The public enterprises minister’s attack on outgoing Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter smacks of flagrant hypocrisy → Read More

TOM EATON | Spurs No. 1 fan Sisulu to radically transform herself as she polishes her CV

The tourism minister plays her own game of battleships as she eyes the future → Read More

TOM EATON | We’d love to put our ‘shoulder to the wheel’, but the wheel is made of cardboard

ANC spokesperson Vincent Magwenya was full of platitudes and cliches this week → Read More

TOM EATON | We’d love to put our ‘shoulder to the wheel’, but the wheel is made of cardboard

Presidency spokesperson Vincent Magwenya was full of platitudes and cliches this week → Read More

TOM EATON | Reading between the lines is easier said than done in South Africa

Instead of splurging R900m on Tottenham’s sleeve, it would go a long way to help our children’s literacy → Read More

TOM EATON | Ramaphosa’s perfect storm of political pitfalls in sharp focus

This week is about deciding who gets to sit where in the lifeboats as they paddle away from a sunken state → Read More

TOM EATON | Joburg needs far more than mayor Amad has to offer

I’m not sure who I pity more: the residents of Joburg or its new mayor. → Read More

TOM EATON | The coalposts move: ANC still has a burning desire to stay in power

The only thing that will end load-shedding is the ANC’s realisation that elections are in 18 months → Read More

TOM EATON | Coalposts move again: ANC still has a burning desire to stay in power

The only thing that will end load-shedding is the ANC’s realisation that elections are in 18 months → Read More

TOM EATON | Turns out we pay people R200k a month to state the bleeding obvious

The ANC’s emergency energy dialogue has certainly been another exercise in futility → Read More

TOM EATON | Depopulate your mind of centuries-old bigotries

Beyond Africa, babies are becoming scarce — so bury Malthus, his ilk and the overpopulation bogeyman → Read More

TOM EATON | Cancelling Swiss shindig is cold comfort for those without electricity

The president skipping Davos will make no difference to the economy or help the energy crisis → Read More

TOM EATON | Ramaphosa may have resuscitated the ANC for now, but the diagnosis is terminal

CR22 may be locked and loaded but the ANC is just prolonging its own agony → Read More

TOM EATON | Ramaphosa may have resuscitated the ANC for now, but the diagnosis is terminal

CR22 may be locked and loaded but the ANC is just prolonging its own agony → Read More

TOM EATON | Our government’s friends come and go like ships in the night

How does a Russian ship gain access to a SA military base to offload cargo? → Read More

TOM EATON | Our government’s friends come and go like ships in the night

How does a Russian ship gain access to a SA military base to offload cargo? → Read More

TOM EATON | No matter how you look at it, our politics is smothered in hypocrisy

The ANC closing ranks around Ramaphosa is reminiscent of their support for Zuma not so long ago → Read More

TOM EATON | This sounds goofy, but I’m sure the ANC is living in Disneyland

If only we had Mickey Mouse people running municipalities instead of the Looney Tunes who are already ensconced → Read More