Martin Daubney, The Telegraph

Martin Daubney

The Telegraph

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  • Unknown
  • The Telegraph
  • Breitbart News

Past articles by MARTIN:

International Men's Day used to be dismissed as a joke, but are people finally taking it seriously?

Today, November 19th, is International Men’s Day. → Read More

'I won't be my ex-wife's cash machine for life'

For a man who has just won a Supreme Court divorce battle of global significance, Graham Mills is hardly doing cartwheels. → Read More

Britain's straight men have become proud LBGT allies – and that's something we can all celebrate

A few years back now, on a warm sunny morning in June, I came close to physically assaulting a total stranger when he verbally abused a gay mate. → Read More

Porn is replacing real world sex – and we're becoming dangerously addicted

Not for the first time, something unpleasant is stirring in the world of porn. → Read More

Don't mock the male midlife crisis – it's my reward for years of parental self-sacrifice

Earlier this week, I appeared on a TV show where former Liberty X star Michelle Heaton spoke movingly of her early-onset menopause, and her ensuing dark depression. → Read More

At last, the ad industry is learning that sexist stereotypes of men don't sell

Look out of your window – is that a blue moon rising over February 29th? → Read More

The Metrosexual is dead – and a new kind of sensitive man killed him

Look out, chaps, there could be manbags at dawn – because a new breed of modern British man looks set to finally usurp the metrosexual. → Read More

Weinstein's actions are revolting – but don't tell me all men are to blame

As the hours pass, and fresh, grisly details emerge regarding the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal, I feel strangely compelled – and highly pressurised – to apologise for the inexcusable actions of a Hollywood exec I've never met. → Read More

How a simple haircut can save a man's life

If the current, endless stream of depressing news is getting you down, there could be a quick lift: → Read More

Oh Jeremy Corbyn, give it a rest: how a mindless chant ruined Glasto

It’s official: Glastonbury is dead, and it has been murdered by its newly-elected Messiah; the high priest of peace, the most reverend Jeremy Corbyn. The precise moment Glasto’s credibility went toes-up was when Radiohead’s jazz-for-postgrads set was interrupted by a mindless, repetitive chant of “Oh Jeremy Corbyn!” to the tune of the White Stripes’ Seven Nation Army. Because nothing sums up the… → Read More

A major study about the state of masculinity just launched – and your vote matters!

We need your help to complete what we hope will be the most ambitious audit of British masculinity in living memory. → Read More

Men won't volunteer to help the Scouts for one depressing reason: they'll be labelled paedophiles

Ever since it was officially recognised by Royal charter in 1912, the Scout Association has taught British kids the type of campfire practicality and social do-gooding that is arguably lacking in our tech-rich, late capitalist world. → Read More

Men's lives are being ruined by pornography. So why aren't we angry about it?

With little fanfare, perhaps the most comprehensive study into the affects of pornography has just been published. → Read More

Scarlett Johansson's divorce case shows why men are scared of being stay-at-home dads

It’s every stay-at home dad’s worst nightmare. → Read More

Why is it sexist when a man flirts with a female interviewer but hilarious when the roles are reversed?

But more telling was the near-total silence elsewhere, when you know they’d have been giving it both barrels if the gender roles were flipped. For what it's worth, I’m not remotely offended by the clip – I’m more concerned about genuine inequalities suffered disproportionately by men and boys, such as soaring suicide rates and poor educational attainment. Furthermore, I believe we should all,… → Read More

Tim Peake got to ISS in 6 hours

British astronaut Tim Peake arrived at the International Space Station 6.5 hours after he launched - Martin Daubney got in his car to see how far he could drive in the UK in that same amount of time → Read More

Fathers' rights stunts aren't very clever, but we should take the message behind them very seriously

It’s worth briefly pointing out that New Fathers 4 Justice aren’t connected to the original Fathers 4 Justice group, who stopped direct-action stunts and switched to political pressure tactics some time ago. That followed a huge controversy in 2003, when a F4J protestor dressed as Spiderman climbed a crane at Tower Bridge, causing five days of “commuter chaos”. Then Mayor Ken Livingston said:… → Read More

George Lawlor's story shows how universities have become hostile towards men

This strikes me as both tragic and unfair. Remember, Lawlor isn’t a sex offender, and has broken no law. He simply declined to attend a sexual consent seminar, and for that his reputation has been dragged through the mud. Over the past month, I've got to know Lawlor well. He's a decent, well-mannered, erudite, and quiet young man – a million miles away from a woman-hating Neanderthal. Sadly,… → Read More

FHM was a bible for normal men. It will be missed (even by those who campaigned for its death)

It was also less poncey than “£500 for a pair of bloody cufflinks?!” GQ, but willfully brought fashion and grooming into the mainstream while the term “metrosexual” was still a glint in Mark Simpson’s eye. At its peak, the July 1998 edition sold just shy of a million, making FHM the biggest magazine of any genre in mainland Europe. It was truly a mega-brand that made tens of millions of pounds… → Read More

Are today’s women too picky for their own good?

Women are increasingly searching for a Prince Charming who doesn't exist, leaving men disillusioned and scared of commitment, writes Martin Daubney → Read More