David R. Wheeler, Columbia Journalism Review

David R. Wheeler

Columbia Journalism Review

Tampa, FL, United States

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  • Columbia Journalism Review
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Past articles by David:

Can student journalists teach the media a lesson about neutrality?

It was a Friday afternoon in my Journalism 101 class at the University of Tampa, and we were talking about Jim Acosta again. Specifically, I brought up a tweet from the CNN White House corresponent, in which he wrote that President Trump seemed “fired up and ready for combat. In person he sounds depressed and […] → Read More


Hurricane evacuation: A beginner's guide

David Wheeler explains the steps his fellow Floridians in the path of Hurricane Michael should take to prepare for what is to come → Read More


McRaven for president in 2020

William McRaven isn't the only one daring Donald Trump to go ahead and take his security clearance, says David Wheeler. But his voice could be just the one Democrats need in 2020. → Read More


Stop worshipping guys like Elon Musk

Elon Musk's now-deleted tweet calling one of the divers who helped rescue 12 boys a pedophile is just the latest, darkest indication of Musk's hubris, says David Wheeler. → Read More


Holy hazelnut mocha! California has gone off the deep end

A California judge's preliminary decision -- that sellers must make customers aware that their coffee carries a possible cancer risk -- will backfire more loudly than an antique espresso machine with two broken pumps, writes David Wheeler. → Read More


My Irma evacuation: 600 miles and a few tips for Florida

Florida knows its storms are perennial. Why not make more gas available, set up evacuation buses and urge hotels to open up space in lobby, pool room, anywhere, to help evacuees out of harm's way, asks David Wheeler. → Read More


Trump should try to shock GOP leaders more often

GOP leaders are surprised that an unconventional Republican President who doesn't like them and used to "identify as a Democrat" cut a deal with Democrats? They forget Americans want bipartisanship, David R. Wheeler says. → Read More


Men in shorts, unite

David Wheeler: After being sent home for wearing shorts, Joey Barge came back in a dress to protest sexist dress codes. Men everywhere should follow suit. → Read More


The real story behind Trump's glowing orb

People are freaked out about a picture of Donald Trump in Saudi Arabia with his hands on a glowing orb. David Wheeler writes that he's not freaked. The glowing orb is a friend of his, he says -- and its predictions come true. → Read More


Trump's Canada tariff is Samantha Bee's fault

The US is hitting Canada's lumber producers with tariffs. Trump says it's to level the playing field, but that's not really why he's doing it, writes David Wheeler. → Read More

Conspicuous Conservatism Is Higher Education's Hot New Brand

In the wake of Donald Trump's victory, some schools are deliberately distancing themselves from the "liberal enclave" campus trope. → Read More


The Dylan situation: imagining the 'secret minutes' of a Nobel committee meeting

David Wheeler imagines the bewilderment of the Royal Academy in Sweden as it waits for Bob Dylan to acknowledge his Nobel. → Read More

No iPhone 7 headphone jack? Apple, don’t do it

"Yeah, it will not have a headphone jack," he said, matter-of-factly. → Read More


No iPhone 7 headphone jack? Apple, don't do it

Dropping the headphone jack on Apple's new iPhone would be a mistake, writes David Wheeler. → Read More

LGBT Seniors Are Being Pushed Back Into the Closet

To curb harassment in care facilities, one woman is teaching staff members to respect their elders’ sexual orientations. → Read More


Make UK the 51st state

Don't freak out about Brexit; it's not the worst thing, writes David Wheeler. Instead, why not see it as opportunity for UK to become 51st state? → Read More


Make UK the 51st state

Don't freak out about Brexit; it's not the worst thing, writes David Wheeler. Instead, why not see it as opportunity for UK to become 51st state? → Read More

What Is It Like to Be Gay at a Christian College?

At many evangelical universities, you can be gay—as long as you don’t “act” it. → Read More


Why does NRA allow guns for terrorists? (Opinion)

During this holiday season, if some of your loved ones are Republican, consider giving them the gift of a reality check. → Read More


How Back to the Future blew it

'Back to the Future Part II' shows off some products that may have seemed farfetched when the film was released in 1989, but now that the day Marty McFly and Doc Brown traveled to in the future has arrived, it's time to compare what predictions came true. → Read More