James P. Reza, Vegas Seven

James P. Reza

Vegas Seven

Las Vegas, NV, United States

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  • Vegas Seven

Past articles by James:

Skip the Shopping, Keep Your Spirits High

Where the Native goes to get a holiday fix that's not the mall. → Read More

In the Wake of Tragedy

In the days after the horrendous event of 1 October, someone asked your Native if anything similar had struck Las Vegas before. → Read More

What Are Some of the Native's Favorite Las Vegas Buildings?

You're asking someone who once dreamed of being an architect ... → Read More

What Are Some of the Native's Favorite Las Vegas Buildings?

You're asking someone who once dreamed of being an architect ... → Read More

The Native’s Go-to for Mexican Food in Las Vegas

Discussing Mexican food is a minefield of fact and opinion, but here are a few favorites. → Read More

Will Las Vegas Change With the Pending Arrival of Pro Sports?

The arrival of an NFL team may change the city, but not in the ways you might think. → Read More

Going Back In Time to School

Going to school in Sin City was quite different back in the day. → Read More

From Suitcases to Sprinkles: Homegrown Vegas Brands

Are the El Portal Theater and El Portal Luggage related? And whatever happened to Carl’s Donuts? → Read More

Las Vegas UFOs

I remember some bright, colorful cloud formations rising over the western end of the Valley when I was a kid. Do you? What were they? → Read More

What Makes Vegas Vegas? Giant Lobsters and Naked Bikers

Rosewood Grille's iconic “giant lobster” advertising permeated tourist guides and bus stop ads from the early 1990s to the early 2000s. → Read More

Where Can I Work Via Wi-Fi While Drinking at the Same Time?

Are you working remotely, or remotely working? → Read More

Ghosts of Strip Clubs Past

Before Spearmint Rhino shimmied into the industrial center west of the Strip, it was home to a long row of auto repair garages, parts shops and supply stores, as well as the divey Hob Nob Lounge. → Read More

Staying Put and Getting Away

What’s the Native’s perspective on the threat of another Las Vegas housing bubble? And what's his favorite summer day trip? → Read More

Stripped Storefronts and Questionable Boundaries

What’s the story of Downtown’s Coach Room, and what, exactly, are Downtown's boundaries? → Read More

Back to the Present

Las Vegas changes so quickly. What places would the Native stash away in a time capsule for the future? → Read More

A New Way South

Is there any reason motorists will stop in Boulder City once the bypass is complete? → Read More

What's the Native's Favorite Las Vegas Suburb?

I've long had a love affair with our clean, green neighbor, Boulder City, stretching back to my days as a restless teenager with my first VW → Read More

Of Motor Hotels & Neon

Before luxury resorts, the Strip was home to the humble motel → Read More

Hot Child in the Summertime

Last week’s column about topless pools at Las Vegas resorts spurred another conversation, one related to the under-21 set. But it seems there are a couple generations of Vegas kids rather nostalgic about our long-gone Strip water park, Wet‘n‘Wild. One native millennial I know says she remembers two things in particular about the place: the 90s soundtrack and the preponderance of nipple rings on… → Read More

What's the Story With Topless Resort Pools in Las Vegas?

Although Las Vegas has replaced showgirls with clowns and lust with gluttony, adult experiences aren’t extinct. → Read More