James Jeffrey, AmericanConservative

James Jeffrey


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  • Unknown
  • AmericanConservative
  • Al Jazeera English
  • allAfrica.com
  • The New Humanitarian (formerly IRIN)
  • CNN
  • New Statesman
  • Intellectual Takeout
  • Inter Press Service
  • Irish Times

Past articles by James:

What the Spanish Get Right

Spain's beauty and communal culture contain lessons for the U.S. → Read More

America Needs Some British Banter

The U.S. has never taken itself so seriously and appears ready to snap. If only it could banter. → Read More

Against Athleisure - The American Conservative

On the trend toward colorlessness and conformity in America. → Read More

The $9 Latte’s Threat to Democracy

Inflation and financial instability represent a clear and present danger to self-government. → Read More

America and the Crisis in Tigray

The chances of a peaceful solution appear incredibly slim, and international mediation efforts don’t appear to be able to do much about it. → Read More

Best Not to Lose Sight of the Devil’s Hand

History repeatedly demonstrates how the blame game—even calling out evil—can too easily backfire. Yet we don't seem to stop. → Read More

Keep Opening Up, America—the World is Watching

The U.K. desperately needs the inspiring example of a strong U.S. post-pandemic recovery. → Read More

A Braver, Newer World of Mail-Order Abortion

In the U.K. and U.S., COVID-19 has provided an excuse for even more accessible abortion. In America at least, it seems the Catholic Church might fight back. → Read More

Abiy Ahmed finally came clean about Eritrean troops. What next?

Added to mystery why Ethiopian PM did not admit this earlier is further uncertainty about effect of withdrawal promise. → Read More

Ethiopia's Looming Insurgency

Ethiopia could be falling apart as its stalwart ally the U.S. remains entangled and distracted. → Read More

Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict and the battle to control information

Warnings about press freedom deterioration as independent reporters endure harassment, denied access to embattled region. → Read More

Britain’s BBC Capitulates To a Very American Problem

The increasingly strident tone of CNN and the New York Times has crossed the Atlantic → Read More

When Zoom Becomes a Prison

We stream and broadcast our lives while lacking in human contact. What of the consequences to come? → Read More

Ethiopia: A Gender-Equal Ethiopian Parliament Can Improve the Lives of All Women

Recent gains by women in the Ethiopian political landscape offer a chance to improve gender equality around the country and put an end to long-standing societal iniquities. → Read More

Don't Play Identity Politics With Veterans

Some have suggested certain Americans aren't qualified to tell the stories of our Middle East wars. Nonsense. → Read More

Stetsons and the Sixties: Among the Bernie Bros in Texas

Our reporter catches up with Sanders supporters and finds them jazzed with the spirit of a decade gone by. → Read More

For the First Time, No Big Texas Welcome for Refugees

Trump allows states to opt out of resettlement and Governor Greg Abbott says yes. But is that right? → Read More

Want to Experience Local Culture? Get Out of the Hotel Clones

Places to rest your head abroad increasingly all feel the same. But there are still some that give you the measure of a place. → Read More

In Defense of the Noble Freelancer

Big media outlets claim to speak for the powerless, so why do they treat their own employees like trash? → Read More

Fears That Saudi-Exported Extremism is Spreading Throughout Africa

Ethiopia has been shaken by attacks on Christian churches, and some fear that Wahhabism may be to blame. → Read More