Diogo Carleto, InfoQ

Diogo Carleto


New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Diogo:

MariaDB 11.0 Brings a New Optimizer Cost Model and More

After 10 years since the last release, MariaDB Server 11.0 has been released, bringing a new optimizer cost model which aims to predict more accurately the actual cost of each query execution plan, removed InnoDB change buffer, and so on. → Read More

Google Releases a Guide to Android App Modularization

Google has recently released a guide to Android app modularization. This guide is designed to bring best practices and recommended patterns for developers to build multi-module Android apps, focusing on mitigating problems that arise when the codebase grows, such as scalability, readability, stability and testability. → Read More

Google Java App Engine Standard Is Now Open Source

Google has open-sourced the Java Source code for Google App Engine Standard environment, the production runtime, App Engine APIs, and the local sdk. Initially released in 2018, Google App Engine was designed to make it easy for developers to deploy and scale their web applications easily, without worrying about infrastructure management. → Read More

Swift 5.2 Brings callAsFunction, Subscript with Default Arguments, and More

The Swift programming language, originally developed by Apple and released in 2014, has just reached version 5.2. Swift 5.2 is available in the Xcode 11.4 Beta, bringing callAsFunction, subscript with default arguments, Key Path Expressions as Functions, a new diagnostic architecture, and more. → Read More

Hidden Costs of iOS/Android Shared Development, at Dropbox and Slack

Building a new native mobile app requires a lot of work since it is necessary to code it in Kotlin/Java for Android, and then again in Objective-C/Swift for iOS. In the past, Dropbox and Slack had been implementing a strategy to share code between platforms, building a shared library in C++, until recently, when they decided to get rid of this. → Read More

Introducing Jakarta NoSQL

Recently approved as an EE4J project, Jakarta NoSQL is a specification in Jakarta EE to help developers create enterprise-grade applications using Java and NoSQL technologies. JNoSQL is the reference implementation of Jakarta NoSQL, providing a set of APIs and a standard implementation for a series of NoSQL databases, such as Cassandra, MongoDB, neo4J, CouchDB, and OrientDB, among others. → Read More

CloudState, an Open Source Serverless Framework for Knative/Kubernetes

Lightbend has recently announced CloudState. CloudState is the first open source serverless framework designed to bring stateful management on Knative/Kubernetes stack. → Read More

Introducing CircleCI Windows Support, a CI/CD Pipeline on a Windows Virtual Machine

CircleCI has recently announced Windows support, expanding its current set of supported execution environments that already support Linux, Docker, and macOS. CircleCI Windows support enables users to run their CI/CD pipeline on a Windows virtual machine. → Read More

Docker Enterprise 3.0 Brings Docker Kubernetes Services, New Lifecycle Automation Tools, and More

Docker has announced Docker Enterprise 3.0 GA. This version brings Docker Kubernetes Services (DKS), new lifecycle automation tools for automating deployment of containers and Kubernetes, security enhancements, and more. → Read More

Introducing Javalin: a Lightweight Web Framework for Java and Kotlin

Javalin is a lightweight web framework for Java and Kotlin designed to be simple and blocking by default, supporting websockets, HTTP2, and async requests. → Read More

Project Catalyst Brings iOS Apps to macOS

Apple recently announced project Catalyst during its WWDC. Catalyst is designed to allows developers to release iOS apps for macOS, starting with the next major release of macOS Catania. → Read More

Apache Dubbo, a Java-Based RPC Framework Graduates to Top-Level Project

The Apache Software Foundation recently announced Apache Dubbo as a top-level project. Apache Dubbo is an open source, remote procedure call framework based on Java. Dubbo brings key functionalities such as interface based remote call, fault tolerance and load balancing, and automatic service registration and discovery. → Read More

GitLab 11.11 Brings Multiple Assignees for Merge Requests, Windows Container Executor, and More

GitLab 11.11, recently released, brings Multiple Assignees for Merge Requests, Windows Container Executor for GitLab Runners, Guest Access to Releases, instance-level Kubernetes cluster, and more. → Read More

Mozilla Revamps WebThings, its Open Source IoT Platform

Mozilla recently released its open source IoT platform formerly named Project Things as WebThings. Mozilla WebThings brings a series of logging, alarm, and networking features. → Read More

Kotlin 1.3.30 Brings Kotlin/Native and KAPT Improvements, and More

JetBrains has released Kotlin 1.3.30. This version is mainly a new bug fix and tooling update for Kotlin 1.3. Kotlin 1.3.30 brings Kotlin/Native and KAPT improvements, support for more operations for unsigned types and arrays, debugging improvements on IntelliJ IDEA, and more. → Read More

Quarkus, a Q&A with John Clingan and Mark Little

After initial coverage on Quarkus, a Kubernetes native Java framework tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK HotSpot has been recently released by Red Hat. Now it is time for a Q&A with John Clingan and Mark Little. → Read More

Quarkus, a Kubernetes Native Java Framework

Red Hat has released Quarkus, a Kubernetes native Java framework tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK HotSpot. Quarkus aims to make Java a leading platform in Kubernetes and serverless environments, offering developers a unified reactive and imperative programming model. → Read More

OperatorsHub.io, a Public Registry for Kubernetes Operators

Red Hat, in collaboration with Microsoft, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services, recently launched OperatorHub.io. OperatorHub.io is designed as a public registry for finding services backed by Kubernetes Operators. → Read More

Building Self-Contained, Installable Java Applications With JEP 343: Packaging Tool

The OpenJDK community has released an early access build of JEP 343: Packaging Tool. JEP 343: Packaging Tool, also known as jpackage, is a new tool for packaging self-contained Java applications along with a Java Runtime Environment. → Read More

Google Chrome Never-Slow Mode

Google has been working on a prototype feature called Never-Slow Mode. This prototype feature, referenced as a work in progress, aims to improve the user experience, delivering consistent quick browsing. → Read More