Paul Angone, RELEVANT

Paul Angone


Denver, CO, United States

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  • Thought Catalog

Past articles by Paul:

Five Lies Every Twentysomething Needs to Stop Believing

Sarah had been told all her life she could do anything she wanted, that success was right around the corner. But now, stuck in a menial job at 25, with no → Read More

Nine Questions to Ask When Your Relationship Starts Getting Serious

Is this “The ONE?” When I was dating I remember constantly being smothered with that one giant question. That was the point of dating, right? To magically → Read More

What to Do When You Feel Stuck in Life

For most of my twenties, I felt like such a failure.

 I felt lost, frustrated and, worst of all, I felt stuck. Back in college, I prayed time and time → Read More

6 Ways You Are Making Life Much Harder Than It Has to Be

Life is hard. So why do we consistently make it harder than it has to be? Life is complex enough without adding a bunch of baggage specifically designed → Read More

8 Simple Ways to Make the Most of Your 20s

For some reason, school doesn't always teach us the life skills we actually need in our twenties. We go through college, often spending a small fortune → Read More

3 Things True Love Is Not

No other word in human language has been misconstrued, mistrusted, celebrated, worshipped and cursed more than love. We all want love, right? But do we have any clue what love… → Read More

9 Questions to Ask When Your Relationship Starts Getting Serious

Is this “The ONE?” When I was dating I remember constantly being smothered with that one giant question. That was the point of dating, right? To magically stumble upon “The… → Read More

7 Cures for Your Quarter-life Crisis

Picture in your head the quintessential twentysomething. In their mind is the vague notion that they're destined for greatness and world change, and if they could just find the right → Read More

3 Things True Love Is Not

No other word in human language has been misconstrued, mistrusted, celebrated, worshipped and cursed more than love. We all want love, right? But do we have any clue what love → Read More

Paul Angone

Paul Angone is the author of the new book 101 Questions You Need to Ask in Your Twenties, 101 Secrets For Your Twenties, and the creator of Snag the first 10 Questions from his new book for free here. Connect with Paul on Twitter, Instagram → Read More

11 Questions 20-Somethings Should Ask Themselves To Reach Success

Are your friends taking steps forward or are they still playing beer-pong in the basement? → Read More

11 Questions Every Twentysomething Should Ask

Your 20s can be a rough time. You graduate college. You get a job—not necessarily the one you always dreamed of. You may move to a new city and start → Read More

There’s a Big Difference Between Contentment and Settling – RELEVANT Magazine

Life never feels like it's 'supposed to.' So what's next? → Read More

5 Shocking Statistics About the Challenges Facing the Millennial Generation (and how we overcome)

The Millennial generation is facing insane challenges unlike generations before, that most people don't fully understand. Here's how Millennials overcome. → Read More

7 Cures for Your Quarter-life Crisis

What to do when "What am I doing with my life?" feels overwhelming. → Read More

What to Do When You Just Can't Make Up Your Mind

3 things to know when faced with an impossible choice → Read More

6 Ways You Are Making Life Much Harder Than It Has to Be

Drop these habits and attitudes. → Read More

3 Signs It’s Time to Make a Big Change

How to know when to take the leap, and when to stay put. → Read More

Why You Feel Stuck and What to Do About It

We've all been there. → Read More

Why You Feel Stuck and What to Do About It

We've all been there. → Read More