Abby Johnston, Bustle

Abby Johnston


Austin, TX, United States

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Past articles by Abby:

What Is The Mar-A-Lago Act? It Would Force Trump To Be More Transparent

The Obama administration kept a visitor log for the White House, a practice that ended when President Donald Trump took office. In an effort to put that back into place, Democrats recently introduced the Making Access Records Available to Lead Americ → Read More

Nancy Pelosi Removed Her Heels And Jumped For Joy After The AHCA Was Defeated

On Friday, House Republicans backed down on their much-touted repeal and replace plan for the Affordable Care Act, when they pulled the bill from the floor. The move is seen as a massive embarrassment for House leadership and the president, who faile → Read More

There's A March Against Revenge Porn Coming Up In NYC

Leah Juliett was a victim of revenge porn before it even had a name. When she was 15, nude photos of her breasts leaked online—a classmate's retaliation for not sending photos of her genitals. Now, five years later, Juliett is fighting back against r → Read More

Planned Parenthood Has A "Plan B" For Donald Trump & Paul Ryan

Despite seven years of promises that congressional Republicans could repeal and replace Obamacare, House GOP pulled the health care replacement bill from the floor on Friday afternoon. On Wednesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer laid out th → Read More

The Internet Is Freaking Out Over This New Photo Of Barack And Michelle Obama

No, not that one right there, just trust me and keep reading, OK? It's totally worth it. America's former first couple has been keeping a relatively low profile since they left the White House in January. But after returning from a prolonged family t → Read More

Who Is Preet Bharara? The U.S. District Attorney Was Just Fired By Trump

Shortly after the election, President Donald Trump told federal prosecutor Preet Bharara he could remain in his post. But Bharara was fired on Saturday after he refused to honor the Attorney General Jeff Sessions request to submit his resignation ear → Read More

6 Countries Making Strides Toward Gender Equality In 2017

As people celebrated women around the world on March 8, Iceland put its money where its mouth is. Iceland became the first country to require businesses to prove that they provide equal pay for women on Wednesday. Happy International Women's Day, ind → Read More

7 Questions I Have For The Conservative Voters In My Life

After the tumultuous 2016 election, this country feels particularly divided. Political conversations — at least with people who don't share your ideology — can sometimes be hard to entertain without running the real risk of getting in a fight. Howeve → Read More

How To Donate To Help Refugees That Donald Trump's Expected Ban Will Hurt Most

President Donald Trump is expected to make goo on one of his most controversial campaign promises on Thursday. According to a draft of an executive order obtained by the New York Times, Trump will take action to indefinitely ban Syrian refugees from → Read More

I Don't Deserve To Be Targeted By WikiLeaks' Twitter Database, And Neither Does Anyone Else

In a series of tweets on Friday evening, the account WikiLeaks Task Force, which is affiliated with WikiLeaks, weighed the idea of creating an online database of verified Twitter accounts that would, according to the original tweet, collect "family/ → Read More

Donald Trump's Tweets On The Russia Election Tampering Report Are Terrifying

A declassified joint intelligence report released on Friday by the NSA, CIA, and FBI concluded in shocking detail that Russia's President Vladimir Putin directly ordered a campaign to influence the U.S. elections. It's stunning evidence that Russia a → Read More

5 Supreme Court Victories That Made 2016 Less Horrifying

It was an eventful year for the U.S. Supreme Court. In February, Justice Antonin Scalia died suddenly, leaving a seat which remains vacant and immediately launching a politicized discussion of who could possibly take his place when the winner of the → Read More

Abby Johnston

Pissing the internet off since I started interneting. I like to write about my favorite things: politics, feminism, tacos and Texas. → Read More

Donald Trump Clarifies "Blood Coming Out Of Wherever" Comment About Megyn Kelly With Series Of Lame & Offensive Tweets

Donald Trump has been championing the downfall of political correctness by being, er, very un-PC throughout his campaign. And the latest charge in his crusade to free America of being considerate, thoughtful humans was attacking Fox News host Megyn K → Read More

Dylann Roof Confessed To Killing Nine People In South Carolina Church, So What Happens Next?

According to law enforcement officials on Friday, Dylann Roof confessed to killing nine people in a church in Charleston, South Carolina. One of the law enforcement officials said that Roof claimed to investigators that he waged a mass shooting in one of the nation’s oldest historically black → Read More

Is Rachel Dolezal Transracial? Twitter Is Weighing In

Twitter had a lot to say about the president of the Spokane chapter of the NCAAP, who allegedly spent years posing as a black women when, in fact, her biological parents were both white. It’s a really baffling story with a trail of social media evidence that Internet sleuths are unearthing. But → Read More

Chipotle Is Trying Out Chorizo As Part Of Its Menu & We're Already Dreaming About Chipotle Combinations Ft. Chorizo

Kansas City burrito bowl lovers will be the lucky bastards that get to sample Chipotle’s new test ingredient — chorizo, delicious and magical Mexican-style sausage. Beginning Tuesday, Kansas City’s 33 Chipotle locations will be rolling out the new ingredient, and let’s hope it tests well. → Read More

32 #SayHerName Tweets That Spotlight The Police Brutality Black Women Face, Too

A new report shines a light on an often overlooked aspect of race and law enforcement. #SayHerName shares stories of black women and police brutality, focusing on those killed by officers and facing gender-specific abuses such as sexual assault.  In the wake of a recent surge of awareness of police → Read More

22 Reproductive Rights Activists Explain In Their Own Words Why They're Fighting

On Friday, April 10, advocates from around the world gathered in Washington, D.C. for Population Connection’s Capitol Hill Days, an annual advocacy event that focuses on training reproductive rights activists. An estimated 200 people gathered at the Fairfax Hotel for four days of interactive → Read More

The 20-Week Abortion Ban House Republicans Desperately Want Mistakes Myth for Fact

Fact: One in three women will obtain an abortion in her lifetime. Fact: Abortion has been proven as an undoubtedly safe medical procedure. Fact: Much of the legislation aimed at abortion goes way beyond necessary precautions needed to ensure women’s safety. So why, in 2015, among all of → Read More