Aki Ito, Business Insider

Aki Ito

Business Insider

San Francisco, CA, United States

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Past articles by Aki:

ChatGPT spells the end of coding as we know it

AI has come for software developers, and the job will never be the same again. → Read More

The real reason bosses are freaked out by remote work

Why are so many CEOs ordering everyone back to the office? Because they think offices are "hardcore" and working from home is "soft." → Read More

Companies are getting rid of middle managers. That's a big mistake.

We think of them as petty, powerless, thumb-twiddling bureaucrats. But middle managers are actually the very people who make large companies work. → Read More

The tech meltdown comes for Gen Z

The class of 2023 can't find work in Silicon Valley — and that could cost Big Tech in the long run. → Read More

How Gen Z and the Great Resignation created a wave of overinflated job titles

Associates are now "partners," and everyone's a "senior executive VP." Why did regular-old job titles suddenly get so pompous-sounding? → Read More

Are jerks more likely to get ahead at work?

Startling new research upends our assumptions about who winds up in the corner office. → Read More

I decided to tell everyone in my life how much I make — even on first dates

We talk about sex and politics and religion. So why is it still so hard to divulge our salaries? → Read More

The hidden upside of tech layoffs

Despite the massive downturn in the tech industry, most laid-off employees are finding new jobs within three months — and many are even scoring raises. → Read More

To land a raise, employees are applying for jobs they have no intention of taking

With inflation eating into salaries, employees are securing job offers to force their bosses to bump up their pay. Welcome to the Great Raise-ignition. → Read More

The era of quiet quitting is already over

After months of taking it easy on the job, quiet quitters are back to working long hours for one simple reason: They're terrified of getting laid off. → Read More

Looking forward to a raise? Get ready to be disappointed.

Recent surveys show companies are planning to raise salaries by only 4%. Which means your paycheck is about to be worth a whole lot less. → Read More

What 'quiet quitting' is actually about

How my story on "coasting culture" sparked a viral debate over the meaning of life. → Read More

How likely are you to be laid off? A study of 17,000 pink slips holds some answers.

The data on recent layoffs reveal that there are four kinds of employees who are most at risk of losing their jobs. → Read More

Welcome to the Great Salary Convergence — a seismic shift in the way professionals get paid

White-collar salaries across the US are closing in on those in San Francisco, as remote work drives up paychecks in mid-size cities by as much as 24%. → Read More

Gen Z actually hates working from home

Young workers dislike the isolation and lack of mentorship so much that they're quitting remote jobs in favor of office gigs → Read More

Tech jobs are still booming — but be careful about joining the Great Resignation

The good news: companies are hiring a lot of tech workers. The bad news: it's getting riskier to quit your job. → Read More

Wonder how much that new hire is earning? The answer: 7% more than you.

People are getting big salary bumps for switching jobs in the Great Resignation. Which means if you've stayed put, you're paying a price for your loyalty. → Read More

‘You’re going to have more shocks’: Get ready for the Forever Resignation

Americans have been quitting their jobs at a record pace — and it's not going to stop when the pandemic ends. → Read More

Side hustles are booming — and the surge in self-employment could prove just as huge as the work-from-home revolution

After a decades-long slump, an unexpected explosion in entrepreneurship has the potential to create jobs, lower prices, and drive innovation. → Read More

How one company embraced the four-day week — and actually made it work

Bolt gave every employee Friday off. Forever. → Read More