Janet Babin, Wall Street Journal

Janet Babin

Wall Street Journal

New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Janet:

CERN’s Large Hadron Collider to Restart in Bid to Extend Frontiers of Physics

Upgrades to the giant accelerator under the Swiss-French border will help physicists probe for as-yet-unknown subatomic particles. → Read More

Is the Earth Day 'March for Science' Anti-Trump? Organizers say no.

March for Science NYC may be non-partisan, but the political overtones are undeniable. → Read More

A Syrian's Dream of a U.S. Fellowship Comes True, In The Trump Era

Abeer Pamuk's dream of working for a children's non-profit in the U.S. has come true, but Donald Trump's policies make it nerve-wracking. → Read More

How Donald Trump Could Weed Out Your Community Garden

Trump's budget calls for eliminating all federal block grants; NYC's Parks Department receives $4,500,000 a year from those grants. → Read More

Trump's Climate Order Could Send More Pollution Toward Trump Tower

The president says his order will create new jobs, but it could also mean more smog for New York and New Jersey. → Read More

Barnard College to Divest from Fossil Fuel Climate Deniers

The college concluded that eliminating climate denying firms balanced its mission with the need to grow the endowment. → Read More

Prices Rise for Old Books About Donald Trump

As the Republican hopeful rises, so too do prices for books about him. → Read More

Long Islanders Say None of the Above for President

Many independent Long Island voters don't like either likely choice in the U.S. Presidential election. → Read More

Super Tuesday Pushes Race Closer to New York-New York Election

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump win 7 out of 12 states. Tuesday's results point to a general election where New York may be strangely relevant. → Read More

The Koch Brothers Hate Trump But Their Tea Party Doesn't

The billionaire brothers have lost control of the movement they helped to create. → Read More

As Freeze Hits, Cuomo Orders Homeless Off Streets

Governor Andrew Cuomo's executive order requiring cities to shelter the homeless in freezing weather takes effect Tuesday. → Read More

Bratton and Kelly Spar Over Crime Statistics

Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly has accused the de Blasio administration of fudging crime stats to make the city appear safer. → Read More

In New York, Other Candidates Tower Over Trump

A Siena College poll finds most New Yorkers believe Donald J. Trump will not be elected president. → Read More

Christie Researching Options on Syrian Refugees

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie expects to know by Wednesday what his options are for refusing Syrian refugees. → Read More

Climate Activists Want Stronger Commitment From de Blasio

Ahead of the Paris summit, a coalition of activists want New York City to strengthen its commitment to renewable energy. → Read More

Dumbo Developer Proposes Schools in New Apartment Buildings

Two Trees principal Jed Walentas says New York City developers should donate the lower floors of all new high rises to the city in exchange for building higher. → Read More

How Do You Get to the End of the 2nd Avenue Subway?

The latest deal on MTA funding won't even finish the line's second phase — let alone the third and the fourth. Which means the hunt for more money is on. → Read More

Cash Alone Can't Fix What Ails Crowded LaGuardia

Instead of building our way to a better flying experience, analysts suggest the nation should look to technological solutions. → Read More

Cash Alone Can't Fix What Ails Crowded LaGuardia

Instead of building our way to a better flying experience, analysts suggest the nation should look to technological solutions. → Read More

What it Means to Put ‘Trump’ on the Front of a Building

The Trump name stares down from 17 New York City buildings. But how many of those buildings does he own? → Read More