Christian Melendez, InfoQ

Christian Melendez



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Past articles by Christian:

Open Service Mesh: A Service Mesh Implementation from Microsoft

Microsoft has released open service mesh (OSM), an alpha service mesh implementation compliant with the SMI specification. OSM covers standard features of a service mesh like canary releases, secure communication, and application insights, similar to other service mesh implementations like Istio, Linkerd, or Consul. Additionally, the OSM team is in the process of donating the project to the CNCF. → Read More

How Amazon Teams Do Continuous Delivery

An AWS engineer recently wrote about how Amazon deployment pipelines look and what practices they follow to deploy continuously to production. A pipeline validates changes in multiple environments running unit and integration tests, and use stages to stagger deployments to production. Teams don't actively examine deployments as the pipeline monitors key metrics and can rollback if needed. → Read More

Cloud Development Kit Can Now Generate Terraform Configurations Using TypeScript and Python

AWS, HashiCorp, and Terrastack collaborated to release a preview of the CDK for Terraform, or cdktf. Developers can use programming languages like Python or Typescript to manage infrastructure as code. cdktf generates a Terraform configuration in JSON. Also, cdktf supports any existing modules and providers from the Terraform registry to deploy resources to AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. → Read More

Why Coinbase Is Not Using Kubernetes to Run Their Container Workloads

Coinbase recently wrote about why Kubernetes is not part of their technology stack. Coinbase uses containers, but they run them in VMs. For deployments, they use Odin, its open-source solution for deploying their services in VMs as auto-scaling groups. Adopting Kubernetes adds unnecessary complexity to their current deployment pipeline, and it is not the right tool for them at the moment. → Read More

Krustlet: A kubelet Written in Rust to Run WebAssembly Workloads in Kubernetes

Deis Labs has released Krustlet, an open-source Kubernetes kubelet written in Rust to run web assembly workloads within Kubernetes. Krustlet initial version is functional to run an essential workload as it doesn't have support for features like pod events or Init Containers yet. Applications must implement the WebAssembly system interface (WASI) as Krustlet only runs WebAssembly containers. → Read More

Q&A on the Compose Specification Community

Docker released a community for developing the Compose specification to help developers build cloud-native applications using compose. There've been different implementations of Docker compose to make it work in platforms like Kubernetes or AWS ECS. But Docker wants to work with the community to provide better support and define the future of Compose. → Read More

Managing Infrastructure From Kubernetes with the HashiCorp Terraform Operator

HashiCorp has released the alpha version of Terraform operator for Kubernetes to manage infrastructure as code calling Terraform Cloud from Kubernetes. After installing the operator, users can synchronize Terraform workspaces using Kubernetes manifests. Then, applications running in Kubernetes can reference Terraform outputs using ConfigMaps. For now, this operator only works for Terraform Cloud. → Read More

Reimagining CI/CD Pipelines as Composable Blocks with Bryan Liles

Bryan Liles, Senior Staff Engineer at VMWare, talked at the DeliveryConf for ideas about patterns and recommendations when building CI/CD pipelines. Liles recommends thinking about CI/CD as patterns instead of implementations, like merely using Jenkins or Spinnaker. It should be possible to build a platform with composable blocks with replaceable components and agnostic to a technology stack. → Read More

How Team Interactions Help Kubernetes Adoption With Manuel Pais at QCon London

Manuel Pais talked at QCon London about how team interactions are vital to reduce cognitive load to have a successful adoption of Kubernetes. Pais recommends having a digital platform on top of Kubernetes. And, organizations can get started by assessing the team's cognitive load, defining a digital platform, and setting clear team interactions. → Read More

Exploring Costs of Coordination During Outages With Laura Maguire at QCon London

Laura Maguire talked at QCon London about how the coordinative efforts during outages cause a high cognitive cost. Maguire found out that coordination during anomaly response is difficult, that existing models can undermine speedy resolution, and that the strategies to control the cost of coordination are adaptive to the type of incident. Moreover, tooling has additional costs of coordination. → Read More

What Comes After Microservices? Multi-Runtime Microservices With Bilgin Ibryam at QCon London

Bilgin Ibryam talked at QCon London about the evolution of distributed systems on Kubernetes and the future architecture trends. Ibryam said that the next trend would be to decouple infrastructure concerns from microservices. Ibryam calls this multi-runtime microservices, a service with business logic along with a sidecar in charge of state management, networking, binding, and lifecycle. → Read More

How to Embrace “You Build It, You Run It” With Paul Hammant at QCon London

Paul Hammant talked at QCon London about having developers responsible for the first line of support in production, as the saying goes, “if you build it, you run it.” Hammant recommends following this practice only if there are proper support levels and escalation policies defined. As a result, companies could reduce the chances of burnout or staff quitting. → Read More

DevOps Beyond Development and Operations With Patrick Debois at QCon London

Patrick Debois talked at QCon London about thinking of DevOps beyond development and operation silos. DevOps is inherently complex, and there are other risks, challenges, and bottlenecks outside the software delivery pipeline where collaboration is vital. For instance, when collaborating with other groups like suppliers, HR, marketing, sales, finance, or legal. → Read More

What Will the Next 10 Years of Continuous Delivery Look Like?

Dave Farley and Jez Humble talked at the DeliveryConf about their expectations for the next ten years of Continous Delivery (CD). For CD to succeed, the IT industry needs to focus on three performance aspects: technical, organizational, and cultural–all profoundly interrelated. DORA's report has shown that technical practices can lead the change, but they alone aren't enough. → Read More

WKSctl: A Tool for Kubernetes Cluster Management Using GitOps

WKSctl is an open-source project to install, bootstrap, and manage Kubernetes clusters, including add-ons, through SSH. WKS is a provider of the Cluster API (CAPI) using the GitOps approach. Kubernetes cluster configuration is defined in YAML, and WKSctl applies the updates after every push in Git, allowing users to have repeatable clusters on-demand. → Read More

How Twitter Improves Resource Usage With a Deterministic Load Balancing Algorithm

Twitter recently shared the details of why their RPC framework Finagle implements a client-side load balancing using a deterministic aperture algorithm for their microservices architecture. Twitter ran different experiments but confirmed that with a deterministic approach, requests are better distributed, connections count reduces drastically, and they even need less infrastructure. → Read More

Q&A on Okteto: A Tool to Develop Applications in Kubernetes

Okteto is an open-source tool that runs locally to synchronize application code changes to a running pod in a local or remote Kubernetes cluster. There's no need to commit, build, and push a container image to start testing an application. Developers can continue using their existing IDE, debuggers, compilers or hot reloaders to test their code changes instantly. → Read More

Octant: A Local and Real-Time Dashboard for Kubernetes Workloads

VMWare has open-sourced Octant, a tool to help developers understand how their applications are running in a Kubernetes cluster. Developers can graphically visualize Kubernetes objects dependencies, forward local ports to a running pod, inspect pod logs, and navigate through different clusters. Moreover, users can extend Octant’s capabilities by installing or authoring a plugin. → Read More

CloudBees Releases Official Jenkins X Distribution

CloudBees has released its official Jenkins X distribution, a CI/CD tool for cloud-native Kubernetes applications based on the GitOps approach. CloudBees will take the essential features from the open-source code with a monthly release cadence. This initial release supports GKE, pipelines, vault integration, and preview environments; additional features like DevPods will come in a future version. → Read More

Rook v1.0 Adds Support for Ceph Nautilus, EdgeFS, and NFS Operator

Rook, a storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, has released version 1.0 for production-ready workloads that use file, block, and object storage in containers. Highlights of Rook 1.0 include support for storage providers through operators like Ceph Nautilus, EdgeFS, and NFS. For instance, when a pod requests an NFS file system, Rook can provision it without any manual intervention. → Read More