Anne C. Mulkern, E&E News

Anne C. Mulkern

E&E News

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Past articles by Anne:

Nut shells fuel cement kilns as Calif. imposes climate law

California mandates cement industry carbon neutrality. Here are the options for how it could be done. → Read More

Calif. adapts to wildfire by urging people to flee

Teaching people to flee their homes is now part of California's approach to dealing with wildfires. → Read More

CALIFORNIA: First driverless taxi service approved for free pickups

Electric self-driving cars can now pick up passengers in California. → Read More

POLITICS: How Calif. is closing the door to gas in new homes

California's top energy bosses soon will decide when to snuff out natural gas flames in new homes. → Read More

ENERGY TRANSITIONS: How Calif. is closing the door to gas in new homes

California's top energy bosses soon will decide when to snuff out natural gas flames in new homes. → Read More

HOUSE: Californians drive energy and environment debate

Last year's elections gave California 46 members in the House Democratic caucus. Chairmanships, committee assignments and other leadership positions have only enhanced the state's power. → Read More

UTILITIES: PG&E heads for financial cliff as fire liabilities mount

The largest utility in California stands to go broke paying damages connected to massive wildfires, potentially triggering bankruptcy unless the state intervenes, financial and legal experts said. → Read More

WHITE HOUSE: Trump says 'bad environmental laws' to blame for wildfires

President Trump blamed environmental laws yesterday for intensifying wildfires in California, in his first tweet about the ongoing disaster that has killed at least seven people. → Read More

SUPREME COURT: Trump's move to weaken car rules could reopen climate case

The Trump administration's plan to weaken federal rules on vehicle emissions could lead to the Supreme Court re-examining a major climate case that defined carbon dioxide as an air pollutant. → Read More

CAMPAIGN 2018: Calif. Dems escape 'jungle primary' lockout

Democrats avoided a nightmare scenario in California last night, with party favorites advancing in key House races. Voters also set hotly contested statewide contests. → Read More

RENEWABLES: Hawaii upends utility model, adds incentives for solar

Hawaii is overhauling how utilities get paid, upending a century-old business model and ordering incentives for affordability, renewable power and helping homeowners add rooftop solar. → Read More

COURTS: Oil company allies say climate lawsuits were shopped around

The oil industry is hitting back after being sued for climate damages by California cities and counties. → Read More

SEA-LEVEL RISE: Raising an entire island? That's 'insane'

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. -- An aqua-blue bay filled with white boats surrounds Balboa Island. In recent years, the bay has gushed over an aging sea wall when major storms strike at high tide. To alleviate impacts from projected sea-level rise in this exclusive enclave and other parts of Newport Beach, the city plans to spend $2 million in the short term, and potentially much more in coming years. → Read More

COURTS: Here's the strategy behind cities' lawsuits against Big Oil

Lawsuits seeking to make oil companies pay for climate-related damages in California could go forward in both state and federal courts, after judges issued split decisions on where the cases belong. → Read More

CALIFORNIA: Bounty of Democratic candidates means GOP could hold Issa seat

Democrats hoping to flip control of the House in November see the seat held by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) as a top target. Even before Issa announced in January that he won't run again, Democratic candidates flooded into the race for the 49th District. → Read More

CALIFORNIA: Record wildfires set stage for fight over insurance rules

Wildfires that ravaged California neighborhoods late last year triggered more than $9.4 billion in insurance claims, the latest in a spate of increasingly destructive blazes. Now the state's insurance regulator and some lawmakers want to change the rules governing fire insurance as homeowners face potential price spikes and cancellations. → Read More

SEA-LEVEL RISE: Calif. city with water on 3 sides faces grim future

IMPERIAL BEACH, Calif. — With 1.5 miles of Pacific Ocean to the west, the federally protected Tijuana Estuary to the south and the San Diego Bay to the north, Imperial Beach, the southwesternmost city in the continental United States, is immediately vulnerable to the impacts of sea-level rise. → Read More

CAMPAIGN 2018: Feinstein challenger calls himself top Trump resister

California's Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de León (D) knows he's upending the traditional way Golden State Democrats seek the U.S. Senate: Get in line and wait your turn. → Read More

ADAPTATION: Who pays to move people away from rising seas? No answer yet

Determining who must move because of sea-level rise, where they'll go and who will foot the bill is among the most pressing questions of our era, experts said yesterday at Stanford University. → Read More

RENEWABLE ENERGY: How to hit 100% clean? Hawaii, Calif. offer different answers

California Democratic leaders want their state to commit to a future of 100 percent renewable electricity, a goal approved so far by only one U.S. state — Hawaii. → Read More