Paul Roderick Gregory, Forbes

Paul Roderick Gregory


United States

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Past articles by Paul:

The Kremlin Claims Trump Has Joined The Terrorists With An Invented WMD Excuse To Strike Syria

With Assad as a key client, Putin does not have a good comeback against Trump's missile attack. He can only create smokescreens that he knows the world will reject but his own people may swallow. → Read More

Hackers In Epaulets: A Challenge To The Consensus on Russian Interference in the 2016 Election?

Given the confused jumble of Russian cyber warriors revealed by the Moscow and US indictments, I doubt that the intelligence community can find reliable and balanced sources to cut through all the infighting and rivalries and pent up revenge motives. → Read More

Nationwide Protests Against Corruption Catch Russia's Authorities Off Guard

If nationwide demonstrations accelerate and people are indeed “no longer afraid,” could this be the beginning of the end of the Putin regime? → Read More

Is Putin Preparing To Admit Guilt For MH17?

A financial settlement and an apology may hold the keys to sanction relief, but Putin must consider the reaction of the Russian people to learning they have been lied to. If Putin admits and settles, this means he believes he has such a grip over his people that even MH17 cannot break. → Read More

Putin Changes Course As He Gives Up On Trump

Can Putin really hope to compete with a country two and a half times Russia’s population and a GDP a small fraction of the US? Can he sacrifice his peoples’ living standards, health, and education even more? → Read More

No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists

A number of top Democratic lobbyists have significant ties to Russian interests, including the Podesta Group, Lanny Davis, and former Sen. John Breaux. → Read More

It's Time For Trump To Call Ukraine's 'Pro-Russian Rebels' What They Are: Russian Invaders

Trump can ignore the political correctness of separatists independent of Russia and no lethal weapons for Ukraine. Trump's most important card is a Ukrainian army of 200,000 armed by the U.S. and hopefully a Ukraine making its way towards the prosperity increasingly out of reach of Putin’s Russia. → Read More

The Trump Dossier Is Fake

Some of the stories are so bizarre that they fail the laugh test. Yet, there appears to be a desire on the part of some media and Trump opponents on both sides of the aisle to picture the Orbis report as genuine but unverifiable. → Read More

Putin Already Playing Nuclear Poker With Trump

Vladimir Putin will shortly face a Donald Trump as President in a game of the highest stakes poker possible. Putin has fired his first shot in his press conference, and Trump has answered via his tweet. What will happen next? → Read More

CBS' 'Face The Nation' Downplays Henry Kissinger's Doubts That Russia Sought To Elect Trump

The election of “outsider” Trump muddles Russia’s attack on the US political system. Trump’s victory against the entire US political establishment serves as an unwelcome affirmation of American democracy to a Russian nation whose political leaders are chosen by the Kremlin in faux elections. → Read More

The Battle Over Russian Hacking Is Over The Legitimacy Of The Trump Presidency

As Putin followed the drip-drip of disclosures, he would have concluded that Hillary Clinton would enter office as a severely wounded US President. He may have begun to relish the prospect of Hillary sitting opposite him at the negotiating table. → Read More

International Criminal Court: Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Is a 'Crime,' Not A Civil War

As Donald Trump picks his foreign policy team, he should worry about those who believe all or part of the Putin Ukraine narrative, which has just been shredded by the International Criminal Court report. Believe it or not, the Putin narrative that the West is to blame and that Russia is a bystander to the Ukraine conflict has its supporters throughout Europe and among US diplomats and scholars.… → Read More

Hillary Clinton's Corrupt Dealings Have Given Putin A Massive Propaganda Victory

Putin is the winner no matter who wins the US election. The next time the West wants to reprimand him for his repressive electoral tricks, he’ll simply remind his critics of Wikileaks. If critics complain about the enrichment of his inner circle, he only need rehash antics of the Clinton Foundation. → Read More

Why Historians Must Use Wikileaks To Write The History Of The 2016 Election

Serious historical analysis of the Wikileaks material should yield a Holy Grail of understanding of U.S. electoral politics: How campaigns are organized and financed, the role of dirty tricks and how they are organized, the deals that are struck, the relationship of the media to the campaign, the internal dynamics of campaign teams, and so on. Note that Wikileaks is a one-shot opportunity. No… → Read More

Wikileaks Fails To Deliver An October Surprise As Hillary Says To Worry About Putin's Meddling

The Clinton campaign has decided to change the subject from the flood of damaging and incriminating emails to warnings of Russia’s attempted intervention in the US election. The Putin-dominated press denies all such accusations and warns that Hillary intends to make the fictional (according to Putin) Russian cyber-attack a casus belli. Putin warns that Hillary is using Russia’s supposed… → Read More

Putin Puts An End To Electoral Politics In Russia

A smirking Vladimir Putin interpreted his party’s victory as a rebuke to foreign pressure and sanctions. My interpretation is quite different: The electoral victory came through Putin’s control of electoral resources and his repressive threats against opposition candidates and their voters. “Administrative measures” overcame declining public support for a government that has given the Russian… → Read More

Putin Shuts Down Last Russian Independent Pollster In Anticipation of Russian and US Elections

Putin will say: What a contrast to the flawed and crooked U.S. election. He will cite the DNC papers describing the party’s official campaign to favor Hillary Clinton and destroy the candidacy of the upright and honest Bernie Sanders. Putin can cite the “pay for play” politics of the Clintons and dare them to criticize Russia’s honest business men, when the King and Queen of corruption are none… → Read More

Putin Shuts Down Last Russian Independent Pollster In Anticipation of Russian and US Elections

Putin will say: What a contrast to the flawed and crooked U.S. election. He will cite the DNC papers describing the party’s official campaign to favor Hillary Clinton and destroy the candidacy of the upright and honest Bernie Sanders. Putin can cite the “pay for play” politics of the Clintons and dare them to criticize Russia’s honest business men, when the King and Queen of corruption are none… → Read More

Russian Combat Medals Put Lie To Putin's Claim Of No Russian Troops In Ukraine

The fiction that the Ukraine army is being either defeated or fought to a standstill by “separatists” elevates Ukraine’s opponents to an independent political status deserving of a place at the table. The vocabulary of the Russian-Ukraine War lies at the heart of an eventual peace settlement. Will it be Putin’s federalization that gives the “separatists” veto power over Ukrainian policy? Or will… → Read More

Under Russia's New Extremism Laws, Liking My Writings On Ukraine Could Mean Jail Terms

Under the Yarovaya Amendment, it's entirely conceivable that my Russian readers could go to jail for reading and liking my writings. Because the official Russian line on Crimea and Ukraine differs from the truth, any writer who describes the truth, under Russian law, is now an "extremist." Putin’s “parallel universe” of “alternate reality” that has shocked world leaders does not reflect the… → Read More