Bill Cameron, WLSAM890

Bill Cameron


Chicago, IL, United States

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Past articles by Bill:

Demonstrators outside City Hall cheer Van Dyke verdict

"Van Dyke is not the only one! We comin' for all of em! And the black aldermen that was paid-off by the mayor to stay silent, we comin' for you, too!” → Read More

High emotions at Chicago police graduation

"I try to convince my wife, this is what we worked our whole life for, we should be proud of this" → Read More

Rahm jokes about seceding from the union

"Right now, after the last 48 hours,” mused Emanuel, “I'd like to pull out of this one-nation, one-state! → Read More

Union Station redevelopment: “We have some more work to do.”

"Some thought it looked brilliant, others thought it looked terrible." → Read More

Sessions heading to Supreme Court over Chicago’s sanctuary city policy

Mayor Emanuel says he is welcoming the challenge. → Read More

Rauner won’t move Vets from Quincy home

By Bill Cameron, WLS-AM (CHICAGO) ln the scandal over the Quincy Veterans home where 13 vets have died in two outbreaks of Legionaries Disease, Governor Bruce Rauner won't move the vets. Some say, like Senator Dick Durbin, the Quincy home should be closed. Others say the vets should at least → Read More

Emanuel thinks of removing Chicago from the State of Illinois

"If you take the City of Chicago out of the state of Illinois, which I'm tellin' ya, everyday I wanna do...Illinois without Chicago would be falling backwards." → Read More

Happy 75th Birthday, Richard M. Daley!

Today is a red-letter day for former Mayor Richard Daley. → Read More

More Chicago Public School Closings Coming

Mayor Emanuel has a moratorium on more school closings until next year, but another round of school closings appears to be likely after that. → Read More

Chicago Alderman on Trump Tweets

At City Hall, Bill Cameron says an alderman who answers Trump Tweets with Tweets of his own is predicting the chances are not great that the president will actually serve out his full four-year term. → Read More

U.S. Supreme Court Announcement Tonight

Tonight, President Trump announces his Supreme Court appointment and U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is trying to be polite about it. → Read More

Lynch: “Too Many CPD Officers Shoot People Who Represent No Threat”

"There is reasonable cause to believe what you've heard for decades," Lynch said. → Read More

A New Strategy to Fight Chicago’s Murder Rate

Chicago's spiraling murder rate has Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson trying a new strategy. → Read More

Illinois Faces Pension Crisis

It started the beginning of the year when the Illinois State Supreme Court struck down a state law that tried to cut benefits for some Chicago city workers. → Read More

An Even Longer Wait for a Full State Budget

By Bill Cameron, WLS-AM 890 News (CHICAGO) In the state budget impasse, Governor Bruce Rauner and legislative leaders met for an hour and a half Tuesday afternoon and will meet again Thursday morning, but voters may have to impose a settlement. It's looking more and more like it 'll take the 2018 election to end the impasse. Listen ... → Read More

When in Rome, Talk Politics

Governor Bruce Rauner is on the trip to the Vatican to see Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich elevated to Cardinal. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is with the Governor. → Read More

Vote Scheduled on Sweetened Beverage Tax

Nine votes are needed to pass the tax and County Board President Toni Preckwinkle says it's the right thing to do. → Read More

Emanuel: E-Mails Were Sent Correctly

By Bill Cameron, WLS-AM News (CHICAGO) Mayor Rahm Emanuel is responding to a Tribune story about WikiLeaks that reveal he, like Hillary Clinton, used a personal email account to communicate with government and political leaders. No smoking guns in these Rahm e-mail messages, and the mayor says he did the right thing in communicating in this way. "If you look at ... → Read More

Police Accountability at City Hall (AUDIO)

By Bill Cameron, WLS-AM 890 News (CHICAGO) At City Hall, the chief of the new Civilian Office of Police Accountability is assembling a group of community advisers who, she says, aren't "yes men." Here at the hall in city budget hearings, COPA chief Sharon Fairley told Hyde Park alderman Leslie Hairston she's forming a community advisory board from ... → Read More

Alderman: Remove Trump Signs, Big And Small

By Bill Cameron, WLS-AM News (CHICAGO) The political flap over the Trump Signs here in Chicago is escalating. At City Hall, the aldermen have begun legal action in a city council committee against the little sign and suggested another try to taking down the big one. Not only do the aldermen want to take down the one remaining honorary ... → Read More