Paul Leblanc, Newsweek

Paul Leblanc


New York, NY, United States

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Past articles by Paul:

Arizona GOP Stays Silent After Republican Congressman Celebrates Anti-Muslim Activist at Rally

“It is inexplicable for a sitting U.S. congressman to speak at, let alone attend a rally for, someone responsible for spreading as much hate and bigotry as Tommy Robinson,” said the executive director of CAIR. → Read More

son Spencer Faces Calls to Resign After Yelling Racial Slurs, Exposing Himself on ‘Who Is America?’

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal called Spencer’s actions “appalling and offensive.” → Read More

Former GOP Governor Says Trump Should Resign Now, and It's Time for Republicans to Demand It

“Trump’s repeated public dismissals of the intelligence coming from his own deputies is deeply disturbing,” Christine Todd Whitman wrote. → Read More

Trump ‘Acting Like Someone Who’s Compromised,’ Democratic Congressman Says

“I certainly think he’s acting like someone who’s compromised,” Congressman Adam Schiff told ABC News Sunday. → Read More

Michael Avenatti Says He's 'Cautiously Optimistic' Michael Cohen will 'Cooperate' with Him

"I am cautiously optimistic that Mr. Cohen will cooperate with us in our effort to get to the bottom of what happened & disclose the truth to the American people," Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, said Sunday. → Read More

MH17 Victims' Father Hits Trump: ‘The Man Whose Arse You’re Kissing’ Killed My Kids

“You have no empathy for your fellow man, and you clearly have no idea what love is," Anthony Maslin said in a post directed at President Trump. → Read More

#TreasonSummit Tweeted Almost Half a Million Times as Trump Gets Slammed on Social Media

In the 24 hours since Trump’s press conference alongside Putin, the event has gathered 8.1 million mentions on social media. → Read More

Michael Moore Says 'No More Proof' Needed For Trump to Be Impeached By Congress

"Those who don’t act should be tossed Nov. 6,” documentary filmmaker Michael Moore tweeted Tuesday. → Read More

Vladimir Putin Admits He Wanted Donald Trump to Win 2016 Election Over Hillary Clinton

Putin's admission came just three days after 12 Russian officials were indicted for interfering in the 2016 election. → Read More

Donald Trump Faces Majority Disapproval in Red State Won by Democrats Only Once in Last 70 Years

Arizona had been a dependably Republicans state in past presidential elections, but recent voting trends showed a shift toward a more moderate electorate. → Read More

Vladimir Putin Tells Emmanuel Macron It’s Time for Russia and France to ‘Get Over’ Strained Relationship

Putin said the growing trade between Russia and France was “grounds to believe that we will get over all the difficulties we have recently been facing and will embark on a path of positive development.” → Read More

Senator Rand Paul Calls Mueller Investigation 'Witch Hunt,' Says ‘We Need to Be Done'

“If we have proof that they did it, we should spend our time protecting ourselves instead of having this witch hunt on the president,” Senator Rand Paul told CNN on Sunday. → Read More

Largest Newspaper in State Won by Trump Compares Child Separation Policy to War Crimes

“This is the kind of behavior that, when carried out by non-superpowers, gets people hauled before the International Criminal Court of some special war crimes tribunal," the editorial said. → Read More

NRA Celebrates Brett Kavanaugh's Nomination By Donald Trump—And With Good Reason

“If I represented the NRA, I would tell them they could not have done much better,” Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor told Newsweek of Kavanaugh’s nomination. → Read More

Christian Evangelist Franklin Graham is Selling Pro-Trump ‘PRAY FOR 45’ Shirts Online

“There’s a way every one of us can make a difference for our nation,” Graham said on his Facebook page in a post that linked to the shirts. “We can pray for our president and our leaders, as God’s Word instructs us.” → Read More

California Prosecutor Who Questioned Why Maxine Waters Hadn’t Been Shot Suspended By San Bernardino DA

“Being a loud-mouthed c*** in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this bitch by now,” Selyem commented on a video of Congresswoman Maxine Waters last month. → Read More

Dick Cheney Signs 'Waterboard Kit' in Promo for New Showtime Series

“That’s a first,” Cheney said in the video. “That’s the first time I’ve ever signed a waterboard.” → Read More

Will Sean Hannity and Donald Trump's Sister Decide This Supreme Court Candidate's Fate?

"I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice," Trump tweeted Monday morning. → Read More

'Fox and Friends' Cuts From Breaking Thai Cave News for Clinton 2020 Speculation

“Clearly never too early to speculate,” host Pete Hegseth said during the segment. “Which we’re doing this morning.” → Read More

California Prosecutor Wonders Why 'Ghetto' Maxine Waters Hasn't Been Shot

“Being a loud-mouthed c*** in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this b**** by now …,” Michael Selyem said of Maxine Waters. → Read More