Werner Schuster, InfoQ

Werner Schuster


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Past articles by Werner:

QCon SF 2018: Security Panel

The panelist discuss current security issues and ways to mitigate them. → Read More

Have Native Languages Returned? (TL;DR: Yes)

In this panel users of C++, Rust, Go talk about how they picked their language of choice, what problems remain, what was impossible to do with VM-based languages and much more. → Read More

Stephanie Weirich on Dependent Typing, Extending Haskell, Type System Research

Stephanie Weirich gives an introduction behind the idea of dependent typing, dependent typing in Haskell, extending Haskell, and the status and future of type theory. → Read More

Leah Hanson on the Julia Language, Static Analysis

Leah Hanson explains the characteristics of the Julia language, its type system, how to use and implement static analysis for the Julia language in the Julia language, and much more. → Read More

Amir Chaudhry on Unikernels, MirageOS, HalVM, Rump Kernels

Amir Chaudhry explains the ideas behind Unikernels, implementations like the OCaml-based MirageOS and Haskell-based HalVM, Rump Kernels for integrating with legacy code and much more. → Read More

Darach Ennis on the Pony Language, Actors, Concurrency

Darach Ennis talks about the actor-model language Pony, its distinguishing approaches to memory management and concurrency, how it relates to Erlang, and much more. → Read More

Adam Wick on Security, Formal Methods, Types, Unikernels, HaLVM, DRM

Adam Wick talks about software security, research into formal methods and randomisation as well as documentation and types to help write secure software, HalVM and other Unikernels, DRM. → Read More

Sylvan Clebsch on the Actor-Model Language Pony, Garbage Collection, Capabilities, Concurrency

Sylvan Clebsch introduces Pony, a language built on the actor model which combines new approaches to garbage collection and concepts like capabilities to write high performance, concurrent code. → Read More