Patrick Hannaford, spiked

Patrick Hannaford


Melbourne, VIC, Australia

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  • spiked
  • Washington Examiner
  • reason

Past articles by Patrick:

Why banning The Red Pill is bad for feminism

nother day, another students’ union ban. This time, student officers at the University of Sydney Union have shown their contempt for their peers by banning a documentary about the men’s rights movement. A screening of The Red Pill had been organised by the University of Sydney’s Conservative Club, Students For Liberty, and a student group called BroSoc, but the students’ union cancelled the… → Read More

Theresa May faces these risks in the upcoming UK general election

With these figures, May would have been mad not to call an election. → Read More

Australian liberals must oppose the banning of Bassem Tamimi

t’s been less than a month since Australia’s Turnbull government took a stand for free speech by attempting to reform Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act – a law that has been used to silence students, journalists and cartoonists. But the government and its supporters have already sacrificed their pro-free speech credibility by denying a visa to a Palestinian activist. Bassem Tamimi,… → Read More

Australian liberals must oppose the banning of Bassem Tamimi

t’s been less than a month since Australia’s Turnbull government took a stand for free speech by attempting to reform Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act – a law that has been used to silence students, journalists and cartoonists. But the government and its supporters have already sacrificed their pro-free speech credibility by denying a visa to a Palestinian activist. Bassem Tamimi,… → Read More

How PC politicians give cover to violent mobs

nternationally renowned author Ayaan Hirsi Ali has cancelled her tour of Australia and New Zealand due to ‘security concerns’. The shock announcement was made on the same day she was scheduled to appear on the popular ABC panel show, Q&A. A prominent critic of Islam, Hirsi Ali was the target of a social-media campaign by a group of Muslim women who denounced her ‘divisive discourse’ and use… → Read More

Don’t green-light this politics of gesture

Gender-equal traffic lights? Feminism has jumped the shark. → Read More

Mike Baird: Oz’s most paternalistic politician?

New South Wales voters have had enough of being treated like children. → Read More

Gay marriage: running scared of the demos

Australia’s marriage plebiscite has exposed the elite’s fear of voters. → Read More

How the Dodd-Frank Act Has Caused Poverty and Fuelled War in Africa

A lot has been written about the Dodd-Frank financial reform package passed in the wake of the 2008 economic crisis. There has been much less coverage → Read More

Five Guantanamo Detainees to be Released; 143 Still Being Held

Five detainees are to be released from the Guantanamo Bay military prison. The detainees were “approved for transfer” after a comprehensive review of their case was conducted by an interagency government task force, set up following President Barack Obama's 2009 executive order to close the facility. &nbsp → Read More

Religious Conservatives Look to Get Out of the Civil Marriage Business

Public support for same-sex marriage has grown rapidly over the past decade. The once fringe position is now held by a majority of Americans and fully 68 percent of millennials. Seeing the writing on the wall, some religious conservatives are now calling on Christian ministers to refuse to perform any state-sanctioned marriages. → Read More

With Success Comes Conflict for U.K. Independence Party

The U.K. Independence Party (UKIP) is in prime position to win its second seat in the House of Commons, with the Rochester and Strood by-election set to take place Thursday. This could be a significant victory for UKIP, but it comes at a time of increasing discord between the left and right—or populist and libertarian-leaning—wings of the party. The latest controversy → Read More

Rep. Mike Rogers Is Taking His NSA Propaganda to the Airwaves

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), the outgoing chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has announced details of his plan to become → Read More

U.K.'s David Cameron Comes Under Fire For Supporting Drug Prohibition

British Prime Minister David Cameron is under fire from a bipartisan coalition of M.P.s over his refusal to re-evaluate Britain’s 40-year-old drug laws. → Read More

Cuomo Vows to Bust NY Public School Monopoly, But His Support for Common Core Tells Another Story

Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) has announced his intention to take on New York’s public education system if he is re-elected on November 4. Speaking to the Editorial Board of The New York Daily News, Cuomo stated that he planned "to break what is in essence one of the only remaining → Read More

Federal Involvement Is the Problem With Common Core, Education Experts Agree

The Common Core education standards have become increasingly controversial since their creation in 2009. Supporters have pointed to the need for higher, → Read More

U.K. Government Threatens to Shut Down Religious Schools For Not Promoting Tolerance Aggressively Enough

The government body responsible for school inspections in the U.K. (Ofsted) has warned an independent Christian school that it risks being downgraded, → Read More

Man Attempts Citizen’s Arrest of Australia UberX Driver

The battle against app-based ride sharing has taken an unusual turn, with an Australian limo driver attempting to place an UberX driver under citizen’s → Read More

Your Driving History is Public, Unless You Want a Copy

From the moment they were reported, the Edward Snowden leaks captured the public's attention and raised the specter of mass surveillance. That surveillance → Read More

New Cannabis-Based Epilepsy Drug Makes Mockery of FDA

A new Cannabis-based drug, designed to treat children with severe epilepsy, is showing "promising" results in clinical trials. The drug, known as Epidiolex, → Read More