Matthew Cooper, Washingtonian

Matthew Cooper


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  • Washingtonian
  • Newsweek
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  • Washington Post

Past articles by Matthew:

The New Head of the American Enterprise Institute on the Current State of Think Tanks

Meet Robert Doar, who recently took the reins of the American Enterprise Institute think tank—a bastion of conservative DC. → Read More

Why No One Seems to Be Talking About Tim Kaine Anymore

"I don't aspire to be a celebrity senator," says Tim Kaine, the Virginia lawmaker and former candidate for the vice presidency. → Read More

2020 Presidential Candidate John Delaney's Plan Is To Be Civil. Is He Doomed?

At this divisive moment in political history, a moderate tries to make himself heard. → Read More

Democrats Are Salivating About Beating Barbara Comstock This Fall. It Might Not Be That Easy.

Virginia Congresswoman Barbara Comstock has hard-right ties, a President her constituents can’t stand—and a record of beating the odds. → Read More

Donald Trump pardoned Scooter Libby to save himself. Nothing else makes sense.

If Donald Trump is so outraged by leaks and lying, how could he pardon Scooter Libby? Short answer: To save himself. → Read More

What Donald Trump Doesn't Get About DC Humor

The president can actually be kind of funny, but his wit just doesn't fit in here. → Read More

Joe Biden Can Beat Trump in 2020, But Will the Democratic Party Let Him Run?

Joe Biden has a real shot at beating Donald Trump in 2020, unless the Democratic Party shoots him down. → Read More

What is Trump’s Tax Reform? Everything To Know About The Plan For America’s Rich

GOP leaders try to rush through complicated tax code changes, inspiring a special-interest bacchanal the likes of which Washington has never seen. → Read More

Tax Reform Plan from Republicans is More Radical Than You Think

Trump and his allies are aiming to shift the tax burden from businesses to individuals. → Read More

Who Is Jerome Powell, Trump's Likely Pick to Chair the Federal Reserve?

Powell is popular within the Federal Reserve system, where he’s been a governor since 2012. → Read More

Who is Bill Browder, Vladimir Putin’s Enemy Number One?

Bill Browder, one of Russia’s most notorious critics, talks about the Kremlin, corruption and the American Communist Party. → Read More

Exclusive: Why One of Vladimir Putin's Biggest Critics Is Banned From U.S.

Bill Browder tells Newsweek he expects a quick resolution to his being denied entry to the U.S. → Read More

Don’t Question the Generals, White House Press Secretary Says

“If you want to get into a debate with a four-star Marine general, then I think that’s something highly inappropriate," Sarah Huckabee Sanders says. → Read More

More Debt, Big Medicare Cuts: The GOP Budget Is a Mess

The plan has passed the Senate and is likely to get through the House next week. → Read More

Can Congress Keep Russia Off Facebook? Bill Aims to Force Disclosure for Political Ads

Senators are pushing the Honest Ads Act, aimed at stopping foreign interference in elections. → Read More

What Donald Trump Learned From Vladimir Lenin About Chaos in Politics

There is a certain logic to what Trump is doing, a logic most identified with a political leader long dead but much remembered. → Read More

President Trump Made Nice to Steve Bannon to Keep His Base Happy

Trump calls Bannon a "friend" during Rose Garden remarks. → Read More

Refugee Policy: Trump 's America Turning Away the Most in 37 Years

A new study shows a soaring number of displaced persons while America closes its doors → Read More

Why the Boy Scouts WIll Start Admitting Girls in 2018

The more than century-old organization did surveys and found a huge demand for admitting girls. → Read More

Why Donald Trump's Tax Plan May Blow Up in His Face—and Steve Mnuchin's

Steven Mnuchin wants to change the tax system, but the Treasury secretary’s plan may self-destruct before the end of the year. → Read More