Paddy Hannam, spiked

Paddy Hannam


United Kingdom

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Past articles by Paddy:

What the monstering of Molly-Mae reveals about the left

Left-wingers have completely given up on working-class agency and aspiration. → Read More

IKEA is dismantling workers’ rights

Why has the flat-pack giant slashed sick pay for unjabbed staff? → Read More

The year the culture wars colonised sport

Football, cricket, Olympic gymnastics… no sport is now safe from woke politics. → Read More

The real problem with that Downing Street Christmas party

The Covid rules were so inhuman and absurd that even government officials didn’t adhere to them. → Read More

What is Ursula von der Leyen playing at?

First she cast doubt on the vaccines – now she’s flirting with compulsory vaccination. → Read More

Nadia Murad and the heartlessness of PC

A Toronto school board pulled out of an event with a survivor of ISIS sex slavery over fears of ‘Islamophobia’. → Read More

The demonisation of Israel is out of control

Israeli ambassador Tzipi Hotovely is only the latest Israeli speaker to be hounded off a British campus. → Read More

Corporate diversity is a menace to equality

Employers should not be hiring people based on their race or gender. → Read More

Stop blaming everything on climate change

Jon Snow seems to think that a tree falling on a train track is a sign we need to change our ways. → Read More

Thomas Jefferson and the battle for America’s soul

Not even the Founding Fathers are safe from the history wars. → Read More

Pro-life students are being hounded off campus

This is no way to challenge anti-abortion views. → Read More

Prince Charles and the green counter-revolution

Environmentalism wants to turn back the clock. No wonder royals and aristocrats love it. → Read More

Will Labour ever get over Brexit?

Remoaners were out in force at the Brighton conference. → Read More

You can’t blame Brexit for everything

The Covid pandemic lies at the heart of our labour and supply shortages. → Read More

What the BBC really means by ‘diversity’

The BBC is promoting woke drivel on the licence-payers’ dime. → Read More

The EU army is a conspiracy theory? Tell that to the EU

After Afghanistan, EU officials have renewed their calls for a European military. → Read More

Who’s really obsessed with statues?

The plan to move a statue of Thomas Guy due to his slavery connections is a waste of everyone’s time. → Read More

Adverts don’t cause sexual assault

The response to that Naked Attraction bus ad has been wildly overblown. → Read More

How Speakers’ Corner became a warzone

Christian preacher and ex-Muslim Hatun Tash talks to spiked about being stabbed at London’s ‘heart of free speech’. → Read More

Stop blaming Brexit for supermarket shortages

The pandemic is still causing extraordinary disruption to supply chains. → Read More