Nicholas Burns, The Hill

Nicholas Burns

The Hill

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  • Unknown
  • The Hill
  • Belfer Center
  • Daily Record
  • MyCentralJersey
  • WHAS11 News
  • HarvardKennedySchool
  • The Boston Globe
  • The Courier-Journal

Past articles by Nicholas:

On India, the US must think bigger

India’s rise to political, economic and military power in its region is of immense strategic importance to the U.S. → Read More

NATO at Seventy: An Alliance in Crisis

Approaching the seventieth anniversary of its founding in April 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) remains the single most important contributor to security, stability and peace in Europe and North America. NATO allies, however, are confronting daunting and complex challenges that are testing both their purpose and unity. Based on extensive discussions with current European and… → Read More

Pence and Biden in Munich: Stark contrast shows how Trump is ruining relations with Europe

Former ambassador: We're safer in NATO than outside it, but Donald Trump doesn't seem to realize that and is separating us from our closest allies. → Read More

Kissinger the Negotiator: Lessons from Dealmaking at the Highest Level

This book draws on the authors’ extensive interviews with Kissinger as well as careful study of his writings and those of many others, both critical and supportive. In an engaging narrative, it answers several questions that offer valuable lessons for today’s negotiators: How did Kissinger do these deals? What strategies and tactics worked and what failed? Why, how, and under what conditions?… → Read More

OPINION: Trump may be on verge of historic break with Europe

If he doesn’t respect the relationship, neither will our European allies → Read More

OPINION: Trump may be on verge of historic break with Europe

If he doesn’t respect the relationship, neither will our European allies → Read More

America is on the brink of a historic break with Europe, thanks to Trump

Foreign service officers like me saw ourselves as guardians of this vital alliance. But Trump isn't interested in leading it or writing its next chapter. → Read More

America is on the brink of a historic break with Europe, thanks to Trump

The Trump administration’s newly unveiled national security strategy lists reinforcing America’s alliances as a major objective. Yet in the first year of his embattled presidency, Donald Trump has so undermined our ties to Europe that we could be on the verge of a break in the seven-decade trans-Atlantic alliance. Trump is the first U.S. president since World War II who does not seem to consider… → Read More

IMF's Christine Lagarde on economic conditions

Professor Larry Summers and I were very pleased to host IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on October 5 at the Kennedy School. We have created a new program on economic diplomacy to highlight its vital importance in the 21st century. Lagarde was our first visitor. She will be followed by former Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker in late October and former U.S. Trade Representative,… → Read More

Gorbachev: a tragic hero

In “Gorbachev: His Life and Times,” William Taubman writes that the Soviet leader is celebrated in the West as a reformer and visionary but scorned in his own land. → Read More

Trump's to-do list: slow down, emulate Churchill and Reagan

Trump hasn’t made diplomacy a priority since taking office. Trump should hand the reins to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. → Read More

North Korea stakes include massive loss of civilian life: Nicholas Burns

The president has a long to-do list, starting with slowing down and changing his tone. He should emulate Churchill and Reagan, not Kim Jung Un. → Read More

Donald Trump is wrecking U.S. alliance with Europe

At a time of Russian assertiveness in Eastern Europe and dangerous instability in the Middle East, the U.S. needs its European allies in NATO more than ever. → Read More

Trump fails the Hiroshima test: Nicholas Burns

Presidents in the nuclear age must have the judgment and maturity to avoid catastrophic wars. → Read More

Will Congress torpedo Obama’s Iran deal?

The United States will very likely remain the world’s predominant power for many decades to come, my Harvard colleague Joe Nye concludes in his insightful new book, “Is the American Century Over?’’ This welcome prediction is tempered by Nye’s warning about key challenges that could yet lead to American decline, includingmost notably, political dysfunction at home. → Read More

Remembering Auschwitz

This week marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Bernie Rosner was hurtled into that Nazi death camp’s cruel vortex as a 12-year-old in 1944. Bernie’s ultimate survival and subsequent long and happy life is a lasting triumph over his Nazi tormentors. → Read More

A US-India comeback?

The United States has a major opportunity this month to return to a close security and economic partnership with India. → Read More

Obama’s daunting new year

Here are some major global tests where he will need to marshal American diplomatic strength, leadership, and effectiveness this year. → Read More

Obama was right to strike ISIS in Syria - The Boston Globe

Monday night’s US-led airstrikes were significant for another reason — the direct involvement by fighter jets from the leading Sunni Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. Obama also understands that the fight against ISIS is, at its core, a struggle for the future of the Sunni world. It was critically important that Sunni governments give clear and… → Read More

Obama’s battle plan - The Boston Globe

President Obama has had a troubled year in foreign policy, but he is showing signs of a course correction. → Read More