Jackie Brown, Dogster

Jackie Brown


Southern California, CA, United States

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  • Dogster

Past articles by Jackie:

Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs: Prevention and Treatment –

Congestive heart failure in dogs is a serious but treatable condition. → Read More

Dog Walking Habits by State –

Dogster is a publication where dog lovers come together to get the latest expert advice about dog behavior, health, news and entertainment. → Read More

Separation Anxiety Goes Both Ways –

Dogster is a publication where dog lovers come together to get the latest expert advice about dog behavior, health, news and entertainment. → Read More

Survey Says: Pet Death Harder Than Human Loss –

Dogster is a publication where dog lovers come together to get the latest expert advice about dog behavior, health, news and entertainment. → Read More

These Cities and States are Moving to Stop the Retail Sale of Puppies

Cities, counties and states continue to make moves to stop the retail sale of puppies largely in an effort to block puppies coming from large-scale breeding operations (commonly referred to as puppy mills). Two recent developments include: Chicago: The Chicago City Council’s Health and Human Relations Committee in July unanimously approved a measure to ban pet stores from selling dogs, cats and… → Read More

CBD Can Ease Dogs' Arthritis Pain

A first-of-its-kind study conducted by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine revealed that CBD can ease dogs' arthritis pain. → Read More

Yes, Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks

Yes, old dogs can learn new tricks. New research has shed some light on dogs’ ability to understand what humans are saying. → Read More

These Are the Best Cities for Dog Lovers

Did your city make the list? → Read More

This Company Creates Hearing Protection for Military Dogs

Have you ever wondered if military dogs wear ear protection? → Read More

Beware Blue-Green Algae Poisoning

Here's how to keep your dog safe from blue-green algae. → Read More

Help for Dogs with Chagas Disease

Vida Pharmacal recently announced the first cure for canine Chagas disease. → Read More

Dog Obesity and Arthritis on the Rise

According to Banfield Pet Hospital’s 2019 State of Pet Health Report, dog obesity and arthrities are on the rise. → Read More

Animal Cruelty a Felony in Virginia –

Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, has signed a recent bill regarding animal cruelty and abuse. → Read More

Latest Flavors in Pet Food: Crickets and Carp

RootLab is testing unique flavors like crickets and Asian carp to find nutritious pet food that won’t negatively impact our environment. → Read More

Dog Tooth Infection Signs and Treatments

What are the symptoms of a dog tooth infection and are there any home remedies you can use to treat dog tooth infections or should you see the vet? → Read More

Researchers 3D Print New Skull for Dog with Cancer

A 3D-printed skull plate saved the life of one dog with a multilobular osteochondrosarcoma tumor. → Read More

Your Dog Ate a Sock — What to Do Next

If your dog ate a sock, here's what happens to that sock and when you need to see the vet. Plus, not sure if your dog swallowed a sock? Here are some of the signs. → Read More

Does Your Dog Make the List of the Dumbest Dog Breeds?

Why are the dumbest dog breeds considered "dumb"? Are the canines we refer to as the dumbest dogs just the ones who are harder for humans to train? → Read More

When to Take a Dog to the Vet, ASAP

Wondering when to take a dog to the vet immediately? We’ve rounded up a list of situations that need veterinary attention ASAP — and tips on how to handle an emergency situation en route to the vet’s office. → Read More

Is Your Dog Losing Teeth? Find Out If It's Normal

What should you do about your dog losing teeth? Is it normal to have a puppy losing teeth? What about an old dog whose teeth are falling out? Learn more. → Read More