Michael Tabb, Quartz

Michael Tabb



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Past articles by Michael:

How to avoid injury from online workouts

Fitness experts are expecting to see lots of injuries during quarantine. Here are their tips on staying safe, healthy, and active. → Read More

How Olympic athletes are training from home during the coronavirus crisis

See how elite athletes around the world are training under quarantine. → Read More

Try the scientifically proven “memory palace” technique to remember everything

People with the world’s best memories use the “memory palace” technique. We made an augmented reality experience so you can too. → Read More

Scientists are reclaiming psychedelics as “wonder drugs.” Is it time to decriminalize them?

Psychedelics aren't new, and there are decades of studies suggesting they may be enormously helpful. Can the research actually make them respectable? → Read More

Scientists can now observe the invisible universe

The detection of gravitational waves is a major breakthrough and is key to understanding dark matter. → Read More

Bauhaus design has a legacy beyond its style

The short-lived German academy is considered by many the most influential design school in modern history. → Read More

Inside the weird world of online fitness advice that’s hard to debunk with real science

Exercise gurus and fitness influencers are all over social media with supplements and research claims. Why hasn't real science debunked most of them? → Read More

German scientists are simulating future climate change to save wine

In a vineyard in Germany, scientists are simulating the future to taste the effects of climate change. → Read More

Battery swapping died in the US. Chinese companies are trying to bring it back to life.

There's a revolution happening in electric vehicles, and it's not in America. → Read More

In Amsterdam, self-driving boats could be the next step for autonomous vehicles

They're more than boats. They're a new kind of floating infrastructure. → Read More

This designer has made a career re-imagining products for outer space

You may recognize him from losing a race against Usain Bolt. → Read More

I drank champagne in zero gravity to understand the science of popping bubbly in outer space

I did not vomit on the "vomit comet." But I did see some awesome physics. → Read More

Astrology, the beloved pseudoscience, could actually really help science

Seriously. → Read More

Researchers built a centaur robot to rescue you from danger

Prepare for your salvation. → Read More

Harvard researchers made an origami Pokéball that safely captures delicate sea creatures

Researchers at Harvard University have devised a real-life Pokéball, but it's not to collect otherworldly creatures for battle. Instead, they're working with marine biologists to capture little-studied sea creatures in a way that does not harm them. Their cutting-edge technology is inspired by origami, and built with 3D-printed panels and soft edges to make sure... → Read More

NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity is trapped in a growing, planet-encircling dust storm

For weeks, NASA has been worried about its aging Mars rover, Opportunity, which has stopped returning images of the red planet because it's trapped in a massive a dust storm. But the storm has only gotten bigger, and is now a "planet-encircling" event. Watch the video above to listen to NASA scientists explain their concerns for... → Read More

Puppies are cutest at adoption time for an important evolutionary reason

Scientists have just pinpointed the age when dogs are cutest. It's around 8 weeks. Students at the University of Florida looked at photos of Jack Russell Terrier, Cane Corso, and White Shepherd puppies between 0 and 8 months old, and rated them on a sliding scale of attractiveness. Scientists had already established that people are... → Read More

This incredible 3D map of a mouse retina was assembled by 30,000 people playing an online game

A tremendous amount of circuitry is required for your eyes to actually let you see. And researchers have just assembled a 3D model that shows exactly how complex the retina is, using data from observations on an animal researchers expected to have eyes far simpler than humans: a mouse. Mice don't have particularly advanced vision,... → Read More

The newest idea for smartwatch texting looks just like your old flip phone

T9-word may be making a comeback: Researchers at Dartmouth College have created a new technique for typing on a smartwatch that looks unnervingly similar to the archaic text messaging system used by early cell phones. It's all based on a keyboard where letters are arranged alphabetically around a circular watch face. By moving their wrists,... → Read More

This robot eel is transparent, flexible, nearly silent, and glows in the ocean

There's something in the water at the University of California, San Diego—a glowing robot inspired by the movement of eel larvae. Researchers at the school's Bioinspired Robotics and Design Lab have created one of the world's softest underwater robots by taking an innovative approach to its conductive components. Instead of having electricity travel through wires... → Read More