Martin Cothran, Intellectual Takeout

Martin Cothran

Intellectual Takeout

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Past articles by Martin:

The Intolerance of the Tolerant

If you're going to be intolerant, it's not a good look to do it in the name of tolerance. → Read More

Glenn Youngkin’s Simple Playbook for Winning Virginia

Keeping it local and campaigning on issues voters care about did the trick for Glenn Youngkin. → Read More

Elites Make Blue-Collar Workers Into Human COVID Shields

Governments' lockdown policies not only don't make economic sense, they exploit the working class as human shields in the fight against COVID-19. → Read More

The Grim Reader: Five Plague Related Stories for Quarantine

Five classics to enjoy at home. → Read More

America’s Celebrity Culture Explains Why Harry and Meghan’s Flight Is Predictable

Being American, Meghan Markle probably expected life as a British royal to be the same as the Hollywood she was used to. That's not the case. → Read More

Should “They” Really Be the Word of the Decade?

The American Dialect Society said some interesting things about the English language. Folks outside of gender studies departments probably don't agree. → Read More

The Grievance-Mongers Should Leave Thanksgiving Alone

Is Thanksgiving, as the American left would frame it, merely a holiday celebrating the oppression of the Native Americans by European settlers? → Read More

There’s a Reason the Names of These Great Thinkers are Etched in Stone

Should we start replacing great western thinkers and writers such as Plato and Homer? Do they really deserve a place in our curriculum anymore? → Read More

There’s a Reason the Names of These Great Thinkers are Etched in Stone

Should we start replacing great western thinkers and writers such as Plato and Homer? Do they really deserve a place in our curriculum anymore? → Read More

There’s a Reason the Names of These Great Thinkers are Etched in Stone

I'll trade you one queer theorist, one native American novelist, a Chinese writer, and five feminists for six Greeks and two Romans. → Read More

Fake Meat Is Just Part of the Movement Toward Artificial Everything

In the brave new world of artificial everything, anything is possible. → Read More

The Gender Charade Facing the Supreme Court

It was announced this week that the U.S. Supreme Court would be considering a lower court decision that redefined the word "sex" to mean "gender identity." → Read More

The Rights Glut

When someone talks about someone having "rights" what do they mean? → Read More

Why is America Divided?

There's a major difference between today's politics and the politics of yore. → Read More

What's Really Wrong with American Schools

The most destructive player in the modern education establishment is teachers' colleges. → Read More

Why Johnny Still Can't Read

Thousands of children are still languishing in schools that apparently don't know how to teach the most basic of all academic skills: reading. → Read More

'Justice' is the 'Word of the Year.' But What is 'Social Justice'?

Merriam-Webster has picked the word 'justice' for 2018. But are we practicing the wrong definition of the word? → Read More

A Perfect Solution to the Statue-Toppling Problem

Schools ought to teach history, not protest it. → Read More

When It Comes to Children's Books, It's Time to Put the Propaganda Away

Put the propaganda aside. There is a right way to familiarize students with important social issues through real literature. → Read More

Is Football Becoming Too Nice?

Football's reputation is worse than the reality. → Read More