Aaron Cline Hanbury, RELEVANT

Aaron Cline Hanbury


Winter Park, FL, United States

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  • Unknown
  • The Atlantic

Past articles by Aaron:

Craig Groeschel: How Technology is Changing Relationships

We’ve all experienced it: You’re sitting in a room with friends and family, and suddenly you look up and realize everyone in the room is looking at their → Read More

Craig Groeschel: How Technology is Changing Relationships

We’ve all experienced it: You’re sitting in a room with friends and family, and suddenly you look up and realize everyone in the room is looking at their → Read More

Richard Rohr on the Mysticism of Prayer

Scroll through Twitter or Instagram feeds, and odds are you’ll see Christians of the millennial variety posting quotes from or about Richard Rohr. You’re → Read More

You're Probably Misunderstanding What It Means to Be a 'Lukewarm' Christian

We Christians use some odd terms. You know what I’m talking about—churchy words like “the aisle” or “the body” and faithy phrases like “on fire for God” or “backslidden Christian.”… → Read More

Porn Addiction Is Now Threatening an Entire Generation

Recently, actress and former Playboy model Pamela Anderson and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal about the dangers pornography poses to society. They wrote, “we → Read More

Pushing the Envelope

It's been said that New York City is where dreams are made. Alicia Keys sang it, and Utah native Johnny Galbraith believed it. Right after he graduated from college, he married Joanna, and the newlyweds moved to Manhattan for a competitive internship at an ad agency. It was Galbraith’s dream, the → Read More

Can the ‘Benedict Option’ Change the World? – RELEVANT Magazine

How an ancient monk may have stumbled on the key to altering history. → Read More

DACA and the Dangers of Partisanship – RELEVANT Magazine

What our reactions to the deal say about us. → Read More

Anti-Refugee Ideas Led Right to Charlottesville – RELEVANT Magazine

The Church must be clear about what it really means to be insiders. → Read More

‘Bloodline’ Is Kind of Messianic Show We Need – RELEVANT Magazine

Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers. So if you’re still watching Bloodline, either turn away now or embrace the following as something of a study guide. Don’t let the edenic setting fool you, the story of Bloodline takes you somewhere far, far away from paradise. Nestled within the Caribbean-like landscapes of Monroe County, Florida, we meet the Rayburn family. The elder Rayburns,… → Read More

‘Bloodline’ Is the Kind of Messianic Show We Need – RELEVANT Magazine

Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers. So if you’re still watching Bloodline, either turn away now or embrace the following as something of a study guide. Don’t let the edenic setting fool you, the story of Bloodline takes you somewhere far, far away from paradise. Nestled within the Caribbean-like landscapes of Monroe County, Florida, we meet the Rayburn family. The elder Rayburns,… → Read More

9 Spiritual Leaders You Should Be Following on Twitter – RELEVANT Magazine

If you haven’t noticed, Twitter is a huge place. And what’s worse, your feed is often stacked with angry opinions and even angrier opinions about those first angry opinions. It just spirals from there. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Twitter can actually be a place where you can learn and grow. Follow faith leaders like pastors, authors, speakers and humanitarians who extend their work to… → Read More

Research: Most Americans Pray Every Day – RELEVANT Magazine

Today is America’s National Day of Prayer, which is essentially a day earmarked for, as the presidents always proclaim, “the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals.” Over the years, Pew Research has conducted multiple surveys of religion and religious practices in the United States. For the Day of Prayer, they re-released… → Read More

America Is in a War Against Hate

Counselor Dan Allender on grief, healing and the Orlando shooting. → Read More

Politicizing Tragedy Risks Dehumanizing Victims and Their Families

It's more than a policy springboard. → Read More

Meet the Christian Brothers Behind the Critically Acclaimed 'Conjuring' Films

A conversation with the Hayes brothers. → Read More

Want To Change The World? Seth Godin Knows How

Not too long ago, the world worked pretty simply. Right at the turn of 19th century, the industrial revolution was changing the economic world. For almost 200 years, everything trekked along just fine. Then everything changed—again. And according to author and business guru Seth Godin, this affected everything about how our culture operates. You’ve probably felt the shift. This generation views… → Read More

The Deep Faith of ‘Roots’ Star Malachi Kirby

Why he took the bold move to remake and American classic. → Read More

Is ISIS on the Ropes?

An interview with Preemptive Love’s Jeremy Courtney → Read More

The Surprising New Findings that Could Re-Shape the Pro-Life Movement

Last week, The Lancet journal published the results of a global, large-scale study about abortion trends. The results are both staggering and illuminating—and they call for a response from the pro-life movement. In easily the most devastating aspect of the study, Lancet reports that 25 percent of all pregnancies now end in abortion. Overall, the data shows an increase in the number of abortions:… → Read More