Debbie Schipp,

Debbie Schipp


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Past articles by Debbie:

Pickering to Barnaby: ‘Are your daughters embarrassed by you?’

THE things you’ve got to do to sell a book. → Read More

Toxic content their ‘crack cocaine’: Facebook’s disturbing moderator secrets

AN UNDERCOVER reporter has lifted the lid on how Facebook decides what you see, training secretly as a Facebook moderator going undercover as a moderator to be told to leave offensive content on the site. → Read More

‘Don’t tell me being homeless is stunt television. That’s an insult’

SKYE Leckie’s turn spending 10 days homeless in Sydney hasn’t even hit TV screens and already the critics are taking pot-shots. → Read More

‘Douchebag’ McKenney’s starring role in personal (Rocky) horror show

LABELLED a “headline whore” by his incensed brother-in-law, and a “douchebag” by his sister, entertainer Todd McKenney is no stranger to celebrity scandal. → Read More

Sacked Cricket Australia staffer Angela Williamson breaks down in TV interview

THE Cricket Australia (CA) staffer fired after she tweeted about abortion has fought tears in a television interview, saying she feels vulnerable, but overwhelmed by the support she’s received since her sacking went public. → Read More

Nevada execution: Fentanyl maker joins legal battle to block Scott Dozier death row execution

A SECOND drug company has moved to stop Nevada carrying out its first execution in 12 years. → Read More

Killing time on death row: ‘If they’re going to kill me, get to it’

HE’S the death row inmate they can’t kill. → Read More

Henri van Breda: Guilty of axe murder, but girlfriend still says he’s innocent

IT was the most brutal and bloody of killing scenes. → Read More

Indian lynch mob killings force WhatsApp to limit deadly messages

THE lynching of a woman in Central India because it was rumoured she was part of a gang kidnapping kids has forced WhatsApp to place a limit on forwarding messages. → Read More

Alienor Le Gouvello: Frenchwoman treks Bicentennial National Trail on three brumbies

IT’S a marathon, an epic trek and a romance all rolled into one. → Read More

‘It was a dictatorship’: Former AMP planner tips bucket on troubled giant

A FORMER AMP financial planner claims pressures to sell in-house AMP products — leaving some clients worse off — made him feel like “a puppet”, and eventually forced his resignation. → Read More

FV Dianne survivor Ruben McDornan shares his 12-hour journey surviving while stranded at sea

RUBEN McDornan thought he was going to die but he just kept swimming. → Read More

Police plan for Splendour: Unless they find drugs on you, you’re in

IT will take more than a “sit” by a sniffer dog to get hopeful punters denied entry to this weekend’s Splendour in the Grass music festival. → Read More

Psychiatrist’s handwritten notes on ‘Batman Killer’ James Holmes two months before he shot 12 people dead

THE psychiatrist’s handwritten notes said he was hostile towards her, but he’d made no threats. And had no history of violence. → Read More

A message of love, then final words from death row: ‘I taste it in my throat’

‘I’M good, Warden”. → Read More

James Levine: The downfall of maestro conductor accused of sexual misconduct

IT WAS the choice that his followers saw as no choice. → Read More

She has no phone, no money, no ID, and has been stripped of her jewellery, friends and family to call on for help

IT’S Skye Leckie as you’ve never seen her: dishevelled, sobbing and desperate, begging in a Sydney railway station. → Read More

Thai cave rescue: Tham Luang to become museum; survivors warned “beware of fraudsters”

THE Thai cave which trapped 12 boys and saw a miracle rescue transform it from a scene of terror into an internationally-celebrated triumph will be turned into a museum. → Read More

Wentworth star Bernard Curry on his ‘duplicitous’ character, Jake Stewart

IT’S the role that gave Aussie actor Bernard Curry and his family a Hollywood exit strategy. It’s also the job that got his agent fired. → Read More

Man buried, trapped in beach sand collapse at Hervey Bay

EXCAVATORS have been brought in as rescue crews work frantically to free a man who was trapped up to his neck in sand on a Queensland beach. → Read More