Lauren Rudd, Herald-Tribune

Lauren Rudd


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  • Unknown
  • Herald-Tribune
  • Oshkosh Northwestern

Past articles by Lauren:

STREETWISE: Nothing seems to scare the S&P 500 index

Yes, the cry of higher inflation is all the rage now among the vast array of pontificators of future trends. → Read More

STREETWISE: Keep a grip when hysteria envelops markets

Yes, the criers of doom have a field day with each market hiccup, even if it is just for a day or two. → Read More

STREETWISE: In an uncertain market, an emphasis on quality companies is the key

Speculation by amateur investors, age being irrelevant, is nothing new. However, this sudden buying of meme shares is unusual. → Read More

STREETWISE: The case against investing in stock or bond mutual funds

The average stock mutual fund investor has lagged the stock market, while investors in bond mutual funds have not kept up with inflation. → Read More

STREETWISE: Teaching teens financial literacy is a worthy goal

Teens are far from being immune to the so-called gamification of stock trading and to stocks hyped on social media. → Read More

STREETWISE: Feeling bullish for second half of 2021

The concern many investors have over a potential major downturn is, in my opinion, unwarranted. → Read More

STREETWISE: Dad, I wonder what you would think of today’s investment world

You would find this hard to believe, Dad, but the 10-year Treasury recently posted an average rate of 1.46%. → Read More

STREETWISE: Rely on your investment research, not surrogate thinkers

Any pullback on Wall Street is a buying opportunity. Seize the opportunity. Invest in those companies you believe in. → Read More

STREETWISE: Confusion reigns (and intelligence wanes) in a stormy market

No amount of intelligence, learning or experience is foolproof when the market is stormy. And the market's recent moves have been extraordinary. → Read More

STREETWISE: Choose stocks based on data and performance, not hype

My advice would be to rely heavily on companies with a long track record of dividend increases. → Read More

STREETWISE: What's the book on 'mental attitude'? Here are 2 for consideration

Your ability to conquer your fear, survive, and even thrive comes down to one thing and one thing only: mental attitude. → Read More

STREETWISE: Short-term market fluctuations should be meaningless to an investor

Yes, an investment strategy does entail dealing with risk, although it can be minimized. → Read More

STREETWISE: A Memorial Day reminder for Wall Street

One proven analytical approach is to ask yourself this question, would you buy a stock you currently hold, given today’s market and price structure? → Read More

STREETWISE: Don't rely on Madam Marie for prudent investment decisions

Always remember that quality is quality, and the length of time a company’s shares are on sale is always temporary. → Read More

STREETWISE: Six reasons the Fed is confident inflation pressures will be transitory

A summary of six reasons described by Barron’s as to why the Fed is confident inflation pressures will be transitory. → Read More

STREETWISE: As market uncertainty rises, don't succumb to investor hysteria

It takes little in the way of ingenuity to postulate a biased set of circumstances in defense of a strategy or position. → Read More

STREETWISE: It's a brave, new investment world. Here's what you need to know

The key to the investment world is not what happened in the past. What you need to consider is the outlook going forward. → Read More

STREETWISE: From Taft and FDR to Trump and Biden, a look at the returns

From Election Day through Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose approximately 26% compared to 14% for the same period four years ago. → Read More

STREETWISE: Fundamental corporate performance and the direction of the economy

Simply put, you need to align your portfolio with current economic and market trends, as necessary. → Read More

STREETWISE: Time for investors to embrace a buy-and-hold philosophy?

Advice for a volatile market is much the same as the flu. Drink some water. Take a nap. Wait it out. Life will go on and you will be healthy again. → Read More