Rhodi Lee, Tech Times

Rhodi Lee

Tech Times


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Past articles by Rhodi:

See Photos Of Uncontacted Amazon Tribe In Brazil Threatened By Illegal Gold Mining

Aerial images show a tribal community in the Yanomami indigenous territory in the Amazon jungle. The uncontacted tribe is being threatened by pollution and diseases brought by gold miners. → Read More

Soda Industry Funds Studies That May Mislead Public About Health Effects Of Sweetened Drinks

All of the industry-funded studies in a new analysis failed to find a link between sugar sweetened drinks and obesity. Researchers believe the industry appears to manipulate scientific processes. → Read More

Animal Study Reveals Alcohol Dependence Can Be Reversed

Turning off alcohol-linked neurons in the rats' brains were found to reverse alcohol dependence in the animals. The animals did not show unwanted symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. → Read More

Elephant Tranquilizer Carfentanil Blamed For At Least 8 Overdose Deaths In Ohio

Carfentanil, a drug used to sedate big animals such as elephants, is being blamed for overdose deaths in Ohio. Users may not even be aware they are taking the powerful synthetic opioid. → Read More

NASA Wants To Turn Over International Space Station To A Private Company

The U.S. space agency appears to have intentions to offload the International Space Station to a private company in the next decade. Here's why the move could benefit research in low-earth orbit. → Read More

Explosion Of Hibernating White Dwarf Star In Binary System Proves Nova Hibernation Hypothesis

Mini outbursts leading up to the final explosion of a white dwarf star provided evidence of nova hibernation hypothesis. What does this theory suggest? → Read More

Sports Helps Protect Teen Athletes From Heroin And Opioid Addiction

Sports is a protective factor that can steer young athletes away from getting addicted to prescription drugs. How do sports help against heroin and opioid addiction? → Read More

Study Reveals Effective Way To Get Children To Eat Vegetables

Many children do not like to eat vegetables. A study involving elementary school students revealed how to get kids to make healthier food choices. → Read More

Your Car Door Windows Do Not Shield Your Skin, Eyes From UV Rays

The front windshields offer more protection from UV-A rays than car door windows. This is because they are made of laminated glass designed to prevent them from shattering. → Read More

Want To Live Longer? Eat Healthy Fats To Cut Risk Of Early Death from Heart Disease

Cardiovascular disease is responsible for three out of 10 deaths worldwide. Encouraging the consumption of healthy fats can reduce this rate and promote longevity. → Read More

New Lithium-Ion Battery Won't Overheat And Catch Fire

A new lithium-ion battery automatically shuts down when its temperature gets too high and then powers back on when it has cooled down. The technology can help prevent explosions and other accidents linked to overheating batteries. → Read More