Madeline Distasio, ViralNova

Madeline Distasio


Philadelphia, PA, United States

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  • ViralNova

Past articles by Madeline:

23 Absolutely Useless Items That'll Make You Scratch Your Head

Whether I'm staring blankly at a football game while my dad tries to explain what the hell is going on, trying and failing to help my boyfriend build our IKEA furniture, or really missing the mark when it comes to doing anything on weekends that doesn't involve sweatpants and not brushing my hair, I'm a pro when it comes to uselessness. → Read More

20 Vines You Have To See Before Twitter Shuts It Down Forever

These 20 classics will help you celebrate Vine's greatness before Twitter shuts it down forever. → Read More

One College Football Coach Uses Hugs And Kisses To Help His Players Thrive

When these tough guys hit the field, they get a peck on the cheek from the coach who loves them and wants nothing but success for his team. → Read More

26 Things That Would've Been More Fun Than Watching Last Night's Debate

Because everything is awful and life is full of pain, here are a few activities you can do instead of watching the next presidential debate. → Read More

Nutella Is Touted As Being Healthy, But We Really Shouldn't Eat It

Although it's touted as being part of a nutritious breakfast, Nutella contains three ingredients that you should probably keep out of your diet. → Read More

If You Always Bring Pumpkin Pie To Thanksgiving Dinner, You're Probably A Liar

Because I apparently like to destroy everything I touch, I'm comin' at you today with some really bad news about everyone's favorite Thanksgiving dessert: pumpkin pie. I'm convinced that even people who say they hate it secretly love it, weird texture aside. It's just one of those things that reminds us of home. → Read More

If You're An Adult, You Deserve Gold Stars For These 25 Tiny Victories

We put up with lots of garbage as adults, so we should be rewarded! → Read More

She Hadn't Heard From Her Son In 20 Years Because He Was Dead In The Next Room

Legally blind woman Rita Wolfensohn shared her home with the body of her dead son for 20 years before realizing it after suffering a slip-and-fall injury. → Read More

20 Questions That You Can Ask On 'National Ask A Stupid Question Day'

I love the smell of glaring human error in the morning! → Read More

This Is How Purebreeding Is Causing Our Four-Legged Friends So Much Pain

If you love your flat-faced babies, you need to hear this. → Read More

She Almost Died From An Eating Disorder...Then An Unlikely Friend Saved Her Life

Humans save animals all the time, but in Shannon Kopp's case, she was saved by the unconditional love of shelter dogs. → Read More

20 Smart Hacks That Really Will Make Your Life Easier

There is some seriously useless garbage floating around on the internet, but these hacks are awesome! → Read More

This Is How One Wooden Box Inspired A Whole Community To Help Those In Need

By placing a food pantry outside of a local church, one woman gives back to her community in the best way. → Read More

June 4 Is National Hug Your Cat Day, But These Kitties Certainly Don't Want Our Love

Will you risk death to show your cat how much you care? → Read More

When A Mom And Son Stepped Onto The Floor, No One Expected A Dance Like This!

Their routine looked traditional at first, but you'll smile so big when you see them really get down. → Read More

She Poured Concrete Into A Mold And Created An Elegant Statement Piece You'll Want!

This looks expensive, but she spent so little to make it at home! If you could use a new statement piece, check this out. → Read More

He Rubbed Sand All Over His Drawing And Created Something You Won't Even Believe

Well, this is definitely not the craft you remember. → Read More

70 Years Later, He Reunited With The Man Who Saved Him From A Concentration Camp. WOW.

They hadn't seen each other in 20 years, and their latest reunion is one for the books. → Read More

Instead Of Killing Wildlife, These Six Pack Rings Are Doing Something MUCH Different

This brewery wants to change the world one six pack at a time. → Read More

Everyone Loves Grilling, And These 15 Hacks Are About To Make It Even Better!

#8 is basically the best thing I've ever seen. Why didn't I think of that? → Read More